
joined 1 year ago
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The original was posted on /r/food by /u/softrotten on 2023-08-12 03:08:12.

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The original was posted on /r/sbcgaming by /u/First-Pineapple6771 on 2023-08-11 20:53:37.

Hi Community,

I wanted to ask do you prefer using switch oled or using emulation via steam deck, etc ?

Do you like the oled screen or do you like that you can tinker to increase FPS, etc which are you?

This is open opinion, so all comments welcome.

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The original was posted on /r/sbcgaming by /u/Digger977 on 2023-08-11 17:15:20.

Have had a steam deck now since December I’ve been using for all kinds of emulation but lately been playing my actual GBA SP a lot lately especially in bed. Saw the Miyoo Mini + and the Anbernic systems popping up on TikTok lately. Spend the last few days looking at them and they seem to be a good alternative to my physical GBA SP when I don’t want to play the bigger deck for mostly GB games. Was tossed up between a Mini + due to reports of great screens and build quality or the RG35XX/RG353V for larger size comfort. Gave in and just ordered a Mini + that should be delivered today. Looking forward to messing with it

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The original was posted on /r/soccer by /u/Pow67 on 2023-08-12 02:37:55.

Original Title: [Manuel Veth] It is 2am in the morning in Munich and after waving to fans all night Harry Kane has finally signed his #Bayern deal. The saga is over. Both player and club now pushing to have Kane eligible for the DFL Supercup against #RBLeipzig on Saturday.

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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/gojothespaced0g on 2023-08-12 00:54:17.

I had no reason to kill Lainey. She did nothing wrong. She was, like, the perfect person. Everyone wanted to be like her. Maybe that’s why I killed her. She got on my nerves. A lot. And everyday at work it was always the same thing.

“Good morning!” She’d tell me cheerfully as she walked into the office.

“Good morning,” I’d say back, just to make her happy. I couldn’t stand to see her look sad. Even though I hated her, the sad look on her face when someone, specifically me, didn't say “good morning” back… it killed me. I hated it.

Me and Lainey had known each other since pre-k. We’d been best friends. But sooner or later this sort of "hatred" for her grew inside me. I’m not sure where it stemmed from. Where it found a place to plant its roots.

Maybe it was the fact that she made more friends than me. Had more friends than me.

Maybe it was the fact that talking, socializing, etc. came naturally to her.

Maybe it was the fact that she was a million times more successful than I ever was. Ever will be now.

Maybe it was the fact that she was better than me in every. Single. Way.

I’m not sure, but that "hatred" never went away. That "hatred" that stemmed from seemingly nowhere. I had to hide it. I didn’t want her to know how I felt. I couldn’t let her know how I felt. It’d kill her. Well, I guess it eventually did. Just not in the way I thought.

I need to hide her body. Her body that’s been in my fridge for almost a week now. The fridge that I haven’t been able to get close to, much less open, for almost a week now. Six days to be exact.

It’s been six days since I’ve killed her.

Everyday, there’s this guilt that tries to make its way up my chest and out of my throat. Trying to make me confess. Trying to make me admit to what I did to someone, anyone, that’ll listen. That’ll hear me out. That’ll let me confess my sins to them and not hate me for it. Not turn me in for it. Not snitch on me. I can’t tell anyone, though. Not a soul.

I’ve gotta get her out of here. She can’t stay. She’s gonna start smelling, and then people will wonder what the smell is, and I’ll have to explain that it’s just some rotten food, or a skunk, or something, anything, other than my dead best friend. Well, ex-best friend, I guess.


I pull her out of the fridge carefully, making sure not to make a mess. Not as much of a mess as possible anyway.

I’m not gonna be an idiot about this either. I’m interested in true crime. I took a forensics class in ninth grade, which was ten years ago, but still. I’ve had that knowledge stored away in the back of my mind since then.

Plus, I’ve seen the TV shows and movies where the main character kills someone and does a really crappy job at it. They always leave blood everywhere, don’t wear good clothes, don’t bury the person properly.

I just need to make sure I can do this without making a mess. Without making anyone suspicious. Most importantly, without getting caught.

I keep having to remind myself that I killed her for a reason. That it was a good reason. That she deserved it.

But she didn’t deserve it.

Yes, she did. She was annoying. She was better than me. Tried to rub it in my face by always being overly nice.

But she wasn’t overly nice. That was just Lainey. She was a really sweet person, and she’d never rub anything in anyone’s face.

It’s done and over with now. I just need to bury her, and this’ll all be over. It’ll be okay. I won’t get caught. I can go back to work, act concerned when everyone says something to me about her being missing, and then move on. Never think about it again.

But it’s impossible for me to never think about this aga-

Yes. It. Is. It’s simple. Never think of this moment again, never think of Lainey again. Never think, or speak, or anything, about any of this, ever. Again.

I carefully carry her out to the garage, laying her down on a tarp that I placed down on the ground. I stand there for a few seconds before I start to pace back and forth, trying to figure out a way to dispose of her. Burying her wouldn’t be the best option. It seems easier to find her that way. Burning isn’t the best option either, but I feel like it’d be better than chemicals. It’d be suspicious if I went out and just bought a bunch of chemicals. Maybe there’s a field or something somewhere that no one’ll see…

That’s when it hits me. Lainey’s house. I could use that. She just so happens to live out in the country, where no one would be able to see me doing any of this. It’d be perfect. I could place her back in her home, then set it on fire. It’d look like she was killed in the fire. Maybe. It’s worth a shot anyway.

I wrap her up in the tarp, placing her in the trunk of my car. I try my best to be quiet, since it’s eleven o’clock at night, but with the tarp it’s not that easy. I manage to do it, however, before I turn the air in my car on, quickly run inside to clean up some. I should probably grab some gloves or something too.

I clean up the fridge, the rest of the kitchen, and the living room, somewhat anyway, before packing a change of clothes and some gloves into a random tote bag I grabbed from my bedroom floor. I make my way back out to my car, getting in the drivers side. I shiver. It’s gonna be cold, but I have to keep her body from rotting as best as I possibly can. It is the middle of summer after all.

Driving out to Lainey’s house, that guilt starts trying to rise out of my throat again. I try to push it down, but it’s coming up as bile.

This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be doing this. I should turn myself in. They’re gonna catch me sooner or later. What’ll I do then???

It’s getting harder and harder to keep down now. Soon it’ll be impossible. I need to throw up, and luckily I was already at her house. I run inside as quickly as I can, throwing up in her kitchen trash can. After I’m done, I start looking around her kitchen, her living room. I walk to her bedroom, slowly remembering all the childhood memories we had here. This was her childhood home, the one she grew up in. Her room’s exactly the same as I remember…

I shake my head, trying to rid my mind of all the nostalgia. I’m getting rid of her body, not remembering “the good old days”. Suddenly, tears spring to my eyes, falling down my cheeks before I even realize they’re there.

I can’t keep doing this to myself. To Lainey especially. She probably still loves me, even after I killed her. She probably still thinks of me as her best friend.

I can’t do this.

I have to turn myself in.

Or kill myself.

Either one’s okay with me.

I stand there for a moment, in the middle of her bedroom, thinking.

I walk back out to my car, grabbing her body from the trunk. I don’t bother worrying about being quiet, or keeping things clean. I just wanna get this over with.

I lay her down on her bed, fixing her body to look like she was sleeping. She looks oddly pretty. I don’t mean in a weird way, either. She just looks so peaceful. I shake my head once again, walking back out to my car. I grab the two jerrycans of gasoline that I brought with me, lugging them inside. I start to douse the house in the gasoline, tears falling from my cheeks and mixing into the gas.

I’m not crying out of self pity or anything. I could never. I feel so guilty. I feel so bad. For Lainey, not me. I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have killed her. I regret everything.

I finish with the gas, and I dig through Lainey’s kitchen for matches. I finally find some in the junk drawer of one of her cabinets.

I walk back up to her room, the matches in hand. I scrap one against the side of the box, holding it for a moment.

This is it.

I’m sorry Lainey.

I’m so, so sorry.

You were never annoying.

You were my best friend.

I don’t know why I ever hated you.

I don’t think I ever really did.

I love you.

So, so much.

I throw the match in the middle of her bedroom floor, laying down slowly. The heat burns my skin, and I start to cry even harder, but still not from pain. Just pure guilt. Soon, the pain from the heat, the flames, the guilt, everything, engulfs me, and I’m unable to move.

At least we’re here together.

I had no reason to kill Lainey. She did nothing wrong.

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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/dendaera on 2023-08-11 19:22:44.

I have a job interview in a few days for the position of mechanical engineer and I'm running into some contradicting information about this. I'm a senior in my field and apparently that might affect what I can wear. The suit isn't very dark and not very bright either. If I owned a black suit I would just play it safe but I don't know if I can find a good one for a decent price in time.

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The original was posted on /r/unexpected by /u/UnwantedJason on 2023-08-12 02:02:06.

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The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/tedwja on 2023-08-12 00:52:15.

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The original was posted on /r/japantravel by /u/Tall-Smoke-7260 on 2023-08-12 00:16:48.

Would love to have feedback on this mock up travel plan and to hear your input.

Time: Mid November

Section: Southbound, Roughly from Kiso-Hirasawa station to Magome

Day 1:

Arrive in the morning from Shiojiri.

Train to Kiso-Hirasawa.

Walk to Narai-Juku.

Check into accommodation in Narai-juku or nearby

Day 2:

Walk Narai-Juku to Yabuhara.

Train from Yabuhara to Fushukima-Juku

Stay in Fushikima-Juku.

Day 3:

Fushikima-Juku walk to Agematsu.

Train from Agematsu to Nojiri.

Stay in Nojiri.

Day 4:

Walk Nojiri to Nagiso.

Stay in Nagiso.

Day 5:

Walk Nagiso to Magome.

See Tsumago.

Stay in Magome.


Are there any points of interest between Agematsu and Noijiri?

Are there any places along this section that are must-sees?

How would you change or condense this trip (if too spread out)?

Is there anything else I should consider when planning to travel on the Nakasendo?

Thank you for your time and attention. I hope that whomever else is planning a similar trip to also find this useful.

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The original was posted on /r/japantravel by /u/Bittersweet025 on 2023-08-11 20:02:36.

Hi guys!

I had typed my original itinerary in the regular format, but as I rearranged days it was easier for me to put it in a calendar format in google docs. Here is the link for my itinerary.

My flights are booked. Hotels are booked. Question is, I wish I had planned a day to go to an area with a better view of Mt Fuji. I feel like I have some free time in Osaka if I condensed the days a bit. But it’s far from Osaka to Mt Fuji lol.

Would it make sense to send my luggage from Hakone to my next hotel in Kyoto, and just have a backpack with a days worth of clothes and head to Fuji? Take transit to my accommodation in Kyoto in the evening?

Most of my days have some leeway, meaning I could switch around the order and it wouldn’t change anything. Kyoto is different because there’s festivals I’d like to see.

I’ve just never been abroad and would like to make sure I feel a bit organized before I leave. I don’t have to follow the calendar verbatim but I like to have a little structure as I will be traveling alone!

Thank you!!!

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The original was posted on /r/AskReddit by /u/Truth_Shines on 2023-08-12 02:27:55.

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The original was posted on /r/ukpersonalfinance by /u/daytonawind on 2023-08-12 00:01:12.

I inherited a house (320k value) a few years ago and now live in it. The mortgage is fully paid off and my only outgoing costs for it are council tax, utility bills, insurance etc. I am aware how fortunate this position is. I am now aged 35.

I have never been a wealthy person. I am self employed in a creative field and my income has always been modest, around 30k a year. I enjoy my work. It’s just me and my dog so I get by. I do not have a spouse or any dependants and no family.

I am not great with money. Due to dyslexia in part, but finance and numbers etc terrify me. Maths in general gives me crippling anxiety. I don’t understand it, I am not a savvy financial person. I have an accountant who handles the financial side of things for my self employment. I have no confidence when it comes to money / numeracy.

As the house is paid off, I was wondering what I can do to make the most of this fortunate situation I find myself in. I have about £10,000 in savings from years of squirrelling away what money I could. I enjoy the job I have but I am hardly flush. I get by but am content. I have a car that’s reliable and although a few years old (2014) it’s paid off fully. I have zero debts and no credit cards. My credit score is around 970, when I checked a few months ago.

I was wondering what more I could be doing to make the most of the fact I am mortgage free?

I have always liked the idea of property development, or perhaps buying / letting / renovating a property but I have no expertise in that area. It’s something I daydream about sometimes.

A friend said I should seek some financial advice but I don’t even know where to begin. So I thought I’d ask here. I intend to speak to my accountant but at the moment I don’t even know what to say in terms of direction.

Ideally I would very much like for there to be some sort of passive / continual income to help top up my salary so that I could afford a holiday now and then to visit friends in America or Australia.

If replies could be ELI5 that’d be helpful so I can wrap my brain around it. Thanks all.

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