I am always teetering on the edge of doing this, not because I think it's a good idea, but just because I really, truly love fruit...
If you desire romantic companionship, start by making non-romantic friends?
I tend to agree. For me, an otherwise unfulfilled person looking for a fulfilling successful romantic relationship is kind of like a poor person trying to become a millionaire. You should take care of your basic needs before aiming for something that, probably, few people ever realistically get to have.
That said, overwhelmingly, what I want is friendship (love and understanding) but it's much, much harder to find ways to meet people for friendship than a romantic relationship. There is no friendship app on the same level as the dating apps. People who want to get in my pants text back much more reliably than potential friends I meet even irl. I shouldn't complain because having a lot of suitors is a pleasant problem to have but I work unsociable hours and on more days than I care to admit, the only human contact I get outside of work is on dating apps, which is not a happy situation for me.
It's precisely bc it's such a huge topic that i'm reaching out for help lol! Region doesn't matter but my immediate interest is closer to the aesthetic than the academic side of the spectrum atm, so I'm looking for visual highlights more than other kinds of salience/importance. I just need a rundown of what's iconic (or looks like it ought to be)
Why are you guys using spyware when signal is right there. Drives me crazy!!!
Yes, I don't think I have another app but more features on some apps I use (Smartdock, Joplin, Librera, Rimusic) would be slightly life-changing.
I really, really like this.
This is the single best piece I've seen about mental health in mainstream media. Thanks for sharing
I recently read that rather than "global south" and "global north," some people opt for "global majority" and "global minority." I like that, it reflects how I've always tried to think of it.
Wasn't GiveDirectly one of EA's big things and precisely what you're describing here? Unconditional cash transfers
he knows nothing and genuinely thinks he’s doing a good job.
seems like the first step to improving is being given information on how you're doing, and the second is being mentored/trained?
sorry to be a hater but I'm gonna be a hater. if you don't know what it's like to live without curiousity or awe you are either a child or an extremely fortunate person. to fight against incuriousity and a dulling of the senses is a full-time job unless you are extremely lucky with how much free time you have, the people around you, the events in your life you experience, etc. this is extremely haughty. "tell me what it's like" it fucking sucks! annoying
I don't have it in me to be grateful for positive things, I can only praise the absence of problems.