Best method we have found so far. If you want cookie cutter efficient ass state made beds you can move off to the.... Well, every state who has tried has collapsed so you're shit out of luck.
The beds in that store are for accumulation of wealth
...selling people beds so they have beds to sleep in. Beds that aren't riddled with bugs thanks to the store not being a homeless shelter.
According to the TSA frozen water is allowed past so long as it is totally frozen and not slushy and has no water at the bottom of the container. Basically make sure it's really damn cold before you leave and hope it doesn't melt on you.
Have you missed the Republican opposition to climate change? Have you missed Republican opposition to globalization in recent years?
Those didn't come out of thin air. They come out of many towns across the country whose entire economy once relied on things like mining coal and heavy dirty industry which was all shipped out to China. They are 100% voting in favor of their jobs still.
Also remember that under socialism we are not talking about country level decisions, we are talking about factory level decisions which will largely be decided by the workers. Unless an issue becomes important enough that it becomes a nationwide issue that gets a vote for the larger popular vote, 90% of technologies are going to get trashed.
No it doesn't, historically people have literally burned down factories and assaulted those who were replacing their jobs.
There's not a factory in the world with any significant number of workers that find some new innovation that makes all those workers obsolete where the workers go "oh yeah, let's do that"
There are absolutely zero incentives for a worker too to support such a thing. If you think they're going to somehow magically vote against their own interest and act in favor of the common good no matter the situation....
Well that's very socialist thinking from you.
There's not a worker in the world who will vote away their own job.
Unchecked control of the workers for industry will harm us all. We don't need socialism we need strong unions.
Vim really is an IDE, not a text editor. It's usable as an editor but overkill.
Nano serves a difference purpose. It's like telling someone on a bike that a mustang is better.
we had the technology to move off of them
We still don't have the technology to move of them. Energy storage is severely lacking.
This is the third big strike I've seen and been like "wow this wouldn't effect me at all".
Hollywood? I'd rather it go out of business.
American Auto Union? Anyone buying American cars is a dumbass.
And for this one....
Household chores? I do all those myself.
Schools? No kids.
Hospitals? Not sick.
Maybe retail workers and pharmacists. They'd have to strike on a weekend though.
And broadly I'd benefit greatly from half the labor market dropping out. Keep on striking. Never stop.
Give them a gold star why don't ya
Why would you buy GTA 6 after 5 became a live service game? Fuck rockstar.