I read it just and there was definitely some very 1940s lingo but was there one in specific that you were referring to?
I would rather not be employed. I hated everything about my in-office jobs. The clothes, the pointless small talk, the "quick sidebars" that end up being longer than a meeting but could've just been a text conversation. The only thing I miss was lunchtime banter and finding fellow nerds to infodump with.
Thats kind of the same interoception problem but flipped to the other end
what an insightful comment that adds to the conversation
hyoomahn feeemales
Twilight princess had double the global sales of WW though lol
Yeah it certainly doesn't help but even with the original I've always thought this.
I'll share if you pet me have some of your offbrand playdoh
Like I can see what's supposed to be the old woman but its never been much of a trick unless you think old people look like Yubaba from spirited away.
Looks more like Torsholmen in the Træna archipelago
Yeah you keep explaining that you're a bigot over and over
regulate my internet traffic harder daddy