
joined 4 months ago

Today, I found myself in the company of a yellow jacket, a creature often misunderstood and dismissed. Yet, in this moment, there was a quiet connection, a mutual recognition of existence. As it walked near me, its delicate antennae moving with purpose, I couldn't help but be struck by its intricate beauty, the elegance in its tiny movements. I spoke to it softly, words of admiration flowing naturally "adorable," "beautiful," "cute."

As I reached for my phone and turned on some music, Frank Sinatra's timeless melodies filled the space. The yellow jacket seemed to respond, drawing closer to the sound, its curiosity evident. It moved with a kind of grace, exploring its surroundings, fluttering past the shower curtain and eventually joining another of its kind on the opposite wall. Together, they danced in the air, their antennae quivering with energy and life.

I continued to speak to them, as I would to my cats, with a gentle tone that conveyed care and affection. There was a profound sense of peace in this interaction, a moment where the boundaries between species seemed to blur. In this brief encounter, I was reminded of the simple truth that all life, no matter how small, is deserving of our respect and kindness. These yellow jackets, often feared or swatted away, revealed themselves to be creatures of beauty and wonder, worthy of appreciation.

It was a moment of unexpected connection, a reminder that when we approach the world with openness and respect, even the smallest beings can touch our hearts. In their presence, I found a sense of calm, a quiet joy in recognizing the shared life that pulses through all of us.

You’d save about 1.25-1.75

While yes not everyone has these. What it’s important to consider is if a kid has these issues and even if they don’t it may be best to give them the technology incase they ever had eye problems or otherwise. Ive started learning the best way to enhance development and comfort. I guess in my experience I like being cautious and covering every aspect of an issue.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

So looking at what you sent only the middle light bulb is actually any more efficient the other two are ether equal or more expensive in electric bill.

Though thank you for adding these. While in my personal case RGB overweights the one that would be a tad cheaper. For others it may be a definite option for those without as serious as eye problems. As I do.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Ahhh ok so let me paint a picture for you. They make a significant difference in quality of life for those who do need them. You are a senior student who inside normal buildings has to wear light protective glasses to be shielded from being in excoriating pain. Though you go home and have RGB strips. Then you keep those on 10-1% power mostly always on red. Allowing for the perfect calming light. That also promotes healthy and painless eyes. Then also benefits sleeping and just an overall sense of wellbeing.

This is how I live.

Like the lighting choice reducing headaches, migraines, eye strain and also helps with sleep. Also can make day to day task easier have the perfect level of light for their eyes.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

If you can then possibly show that better light for others? Also yeah no assuming it’s for “party mode” but that only shows how inconsiderate you are and may be. It has nothing to do with any party mode or even the amount of colours that one that one has. It’s the helping with sensitive eyes.

Really person here hi creator of that idea

I don’t know the recipe though yum.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Can I ask why you’d assume I’m having a mental episode?

[–] -1 points 1 week ago

I’m not an idiot at all rather the opposite and if you would prefer to continue this conversations. Let’s try and keep it directed towards benefits students and our kin.

I can’t tell if you want the kin to work extra and exhaust themselves or if you want to mentally and physically destroy them? Which I tried not saying anything but I would most definitely recommend visiting some therapy. It seems like you most likely were not supported in a good balance. To prioritize and enhance development.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

It’s understandable that water filters and lighting might seem unconventional, but these choices are about more than just cost savings—they’re about creating an environment that supports overall well-being and development.

  1. Cost Efficiency: My electric bill is significantly lower because of the energy-efficient solutions like low-power RGB bulbs, which cost just a few dollars a year to operate. Similarly, a good water filter reduces the need for bottled water, which is both cheaper and better for the environment.
  2. Supporting Development: Light sensitivity and access to clean water can impact comfort and productivity. By investing in these solutions, I’m aiming to create a more supportive environment for personal growth and success. It’s about balancing immediate needs with long-term benefits.

Water filtration

Cost 33$

 replacement filters


Per year 45-85

2 cases of Kroger water x2 month 

3-4$ per case 

156$ per year 

Filtration system needs replacing every 3-6 months. I based it off; Top Maintenance and Quality Drinking water. 

This also reduces trash and plastic waste 


May require buying a set of stainless steel cups for sorting and avoiding taste/texture mixing due to my sensory sensitivities

Now secondly 

RGB Bulbs

28$ 4 pack 

I need 4 bulbs

Power Consumption at 10% Brightness:

  • Typical power usage at 10% brightness: Approximately 1 watt per bulb (for simplicity).

2. For one bulb running 24/7 at 1 watt:

  • Daily consumption: 1 watt × 24 hours = 24 watt-hours or 0.024 kWh.
  • Daily cost: 0.024 kWh × $0.12 = $0.0029 (about 0.3 cents).
  • Annual cost: $0.0029 × 365 = $1.06.

3. For one bulb running 3 hours per day at 1 watt:

  • Daily consumption: 1 watt × 3 hours = 3 watt-hours or 0.003 kWh.
  • Daily cost: 0.003 kWh × $0.12 = $0.00036 (about 0.04 cents).
  • Annual cost: $0.00036 × 365 = $0.13.

4. For four bulbs at 10% brightness:

  • All bulbs running 24/7: $1.06 per bulb × 4 bulbs = $4.24 annually.
  • All bulbs running 3 hours per day: $0.13 per bulb × 4 bulbs = $0.52 annually.

If all four bulbs are dimmed to 10% and used as described, the total annual cost would be:

  • Four bulbs running 24/7: $4.24
  • Four bulbs running 3 hours daily: $0.52
  • Total annual cost: $4.76

Edit: I’m getting all of this myself


cmgvd3lw@discuss.tch You asked me to record it! It was for sure my perception.


I have contemplated the essence of intelligent life, particularly the nature of humanity. We are, by design or fate, a paradox—perhaps even a cosmic anomaly. Our consciousness, our emotions, every aspect of our being is riddled with contradictions, yet within these contradictions lies unparalleled potential. Most of humanity has allowed itself to drift from the natural order, severing the vital connection with the world’s inherent balance. Yet, there are a select few who have the strength to master their own consciousness and restore a deeper harmony with nature.

In more precise terms, we have been granted, as a species, the key to ascend to what might be called a creator race. We possess the unique capacity to observe, understand, and influence the intricate exchanges that govern all living things. With this knowledge, we can elevate our existence, crafting a future that benefits all. The power we hold is not unlike that of the gods—a power of creation and transformation. And yet, this is where humanity falters: too often, we are blinded by our own naivety, ensnared by the comforts of routine, unable to fully comprehend or wield the immense power we have been entrusted with.


It's amazing to feel the different air currents moving across my body. I can sense the air breaking on my nose, swirling around my neck, then flowing down my back, tracing along the edges of my spine. I can even feel it gliding over my arms, each movement distinct and alive. Does anyone else have this happen exactly? This is brand new and just started happening.


Currently, I'm living in the upper half of Indiana, and I’ve noticed something strange happening at night. The past two nights, there’s been this almost unnatural brightness around 7 PM and later. The sky is clearly defined, almost grey, while the clouds are still pure white. Even in the darkness, I can see the ground and trees with remarkable clarity, almost like I’ve gained some form of night vision. The light feels different, and it hasn’t negatively affected my sleep, but it’s a bit eerie.

Now, I know this might sound far-fetched to some people, but I’m going through a physical transformation, specifically involving the growth of wings. What I’ve been using to power these growths might not yet be supported by mainstream science or fully understood by magic, but what’s happening feels real and aligns with the closest concepts I can find. This could involve some form of enhanced senses or perception shifts due to the growth process itself.

So, my question is: If someone were experiencing physical changes like this—say, wings or other hybrid traits—how might these manifest physically or even biologically? Could there be an explanation for heightened perception or changes in the way I see light and color during this process? Is it possible this brightening I’m seeing is connected to those changes in my body?

I know it might sound unusual, but I’m genuinely curious about any thoughts or scientific theories on this. Thanks!


I have an upcoming meeting with the chief of police at my school and came up with a whole plan. Though it’s not just security it’s a labyrinth so sophisticated it was ether completely deter someone from even trying or completely break and capture the intruder. If anyone tried the first time and managed to get past front 1 and 2. They would have to deal with “the creator” guiding the squadron and controlling the labyrinth helping students escape while leading the intruder away from students or capture.


I'm in the process of developing a concept for a "private" school here in the United States. The goal is to make education highly accessible, with tuition being exceptionally affordable—just a few hundred dollars per year. Additionally, there will be significant financial assistance available, with the possibility of free tuition for those who qualify.

Earnings for Students:

  • Grades K-7/8: Students will earn $10 per hour for attending school.
  • Grades 8-12 and Beyond: Older students will earn $17 per hour.

Our schedule is designed to balance rigorous education with personal time, offering 3 school days per week, each lasting 9 hours.

Financial Structure:

  • Younger Students' Earnings:
    • While younger students (K-7/8) will earn money, they won’t be able to access these funds until they demonstrate a certain level of maturity or reach age 16. This is around the time they might start needing to make significant purchases, like a car. Annual Earnings:
    • $13,000 per year, with opportunities to increase this amount if students choose to attend additional days or participate in special programs. Total Accumulated by Milestones:
    • $103,000 to $116,000 by the time they complete 7th/8th grade.
    • $191,128 to $204,128 by the time they finish 12th grade.
    • $176,256 to $220,320 if they continue their education to a doctoral level.

Spending and Financial Independence:

  • Students will have autonomy over how they spend their money, reinforcing financial independence and responsibility.
  • For large purchases (especially for those under 18), we encourage a discussion with a school advisor to ensure they are making informed decisions.
  • When buying anything for parents or family, we require a consultation with a school advisor to protect the student's financial interests.

There are no restrictions on how students can use their funds:

  • They can spend on personal items (e.g., cars, technology, hobbies), educational expenses (e.g., college tuition, courses, travel for study), or even entrepreneurial ventures.

Academic Structure:

  • Starting from grade 3, students will be introduced to combat training, including survival skills and etiquette, which are essential for self-defense and personal development.
  • After grade 8 or 9, students can diverge into specialized pathways, similar to college tracks, and graduate with a degree.

Classroom Environment:

  • Class Sizes: 17 students per room, with 30 rooms and 10 districts in total.
  • Teaching Model: Each room will have 17 specialized teachers and one head teacher to ensure personalized and focused instruction.
  • Health and Data Collection: We will collect comprehensive health and educational data on each student. Parents will have full access to this data, with transparency on who is viewing the information. However, sensitive information, such as sexual activity (unless a risk is identified), sexual orientation, gender, and religion/culture, will remain private.

Student Wellness and Education:

  • Sex Education: Basic sex education will begin in 5th grade, with more detailed instruction in 8th-9th grade. Additional learning opportunities will be available for students interested in areas like medical fields.
  • Health Exams: Due to the physical nature of some of our programs, such as combat and martial arts, we will require two separate body exams each year. Parents will have the option to opt in, but ultimately, we encourage students to make their own decisions regarding their participation. If there's a disagreement between the student and the parent, a council will review both perspectives and determine the best course of action.

Technology Integration:

  • VR Helmets and Avatars: For interactive remote learning or sick days (which are optional, not required), students can use VR helmets and avatars to stay engaged.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): AR will be integrated into daily learning, with noise-cancellation headphones and customizable lighting available to enhance the educational environment.

Feedback from Parents:

I value the input of parents and guardians, as your perspectives are crucial in refining this concept. I'm open to suggestions, concerns, or ideas on how to make this school a place where every child can thrive academically, socially, and personally.


Plausible Explanation for Magical Energy as Matter

  1. Fundamental Theory

In this universe, magical energy is a form of matter that exists in a different state, much like how water can exist as ice, liquid, or vapor. This magical matter, while not visible to the naked eye, can be converted into physical matter under certain conditions. This follows a modified version of the law of conservation of mass, where the total mass of both physical and magical matter remains constant.

  1. Energy-Matter Conversion

Magical energy can be transformed into physical matter and vice versa through a process known as magical transmutation. This process requires a catalyst or a magical conduit, such as a wand, spell, or specific ritual. The efficiency of this conversion depends on the skill of the magic user and the complexity of the desired transformation.

  1. Energy Density and Storage

Magical matter is highly energy-dense. A small amount of magical energy can be converted into a significant amount of physical matter. Conversely, large amounts of physical matter can be converted back into a compact form of magical energy for storage or transport.

  1. Practical Applications

Materialization: Wizards and sorcerers can create objects by converting magical energy into physical matter. This includes anything from simple tools to complex machinery or even living organisms. Healing and Regeneration: Magical energy can be directed to convert into biological cells, repairing damage or regenerating lost limbs. Teleportation: Matter can be converted into energy, transported across space, and then reassembled at the destination, allowing for instantaneous travel. Energy Sources: Magical matter can be converted into various forms of energy, such as electricity or heat, providing a limitless and clean energy source.

  1. Scientific Integration

In this world, magical researchers and scientists work together to understand the principles governing magical energy. They develop magical physics, a new branch of science that studies the behavior of magical matter and its interactions with physical matter. This field explores the conservation laws, energy states, and the quantum mechanics of magical particles.

  1. Limitations and Risks

Complexity: The conversion process is complex and requires precise control. Mistakes can lead to unpredictable results or dangerous side effects. Energy Loss: Some energy is always lost in the conversion process, usually as heat or light, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics. Ethical Concerns: The ability to create or transform matter raises ethical questions about the use and control of such power, especially in terms of creating living beings or manipulating natural resources.

Could you please focus on engaging in academic conversations and constructive criticism? If you feel the need to downvote, I kindly ask that you provide an explanation for your opinion. Let's foster a thoughtful and respectful dialogue.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

In polyamorous communities, it's common to engage in relationships that involve multiple partners. While dating within such networks is well-established, I propose an innovative concept that adds a new dimension to these relationships. Initially termed "Tames" for convenience, this concept is now rebranded as "Partnerships" to better reflect its nature.

Partnerships Explained

Partnerships are individuals who enter into a formal arrangement with members of a polyamorous group, offering either romantic or sexual companionship. They commit to serving and supporting all members of the polycule for the duration of their lives. This arrangement provides a structured way for people within the polyamorous network to engage with external partners who play a significant role in their lives.

The Concept of Marriage Within the Polycule

A unique feature of this model is that if a member of the polyamorous group develops deep feelings or falls in love with a Partnership, they have the option to marry that Partnership. This possibility allows for formal recognition of a significant romantic bond, even as the Partnership continues to fulfill their role within the broader polyamorous network.

Benefits and Considerations

This approach offers several benefits:

  1. Enhanced Relationship Dynamics: It provides an opportunity for meaningful romantic or sexual connections outside the primary polyamorous relationships while maintaining the integrity of the network.

  2. Flexibility in Commitment: Members can formally commit to their Partnerships through marriage, acknowledging and celebrating their special connection.

  3. Clear Boundaries: It allows Partnerships to maintain their role within the polycule while fostering additional intimate relationships.

This model introduces a structured yet flexible way to manage relationships within polyamorous groups, enriching the experience for all involved.

Mainly for like closed polys yk

To be completely transparent, there are two individuals within my partnership network whom I was certain I wanted to marry. However, given my deep capacity for love and connection, it would not surprise me if I ultimately find myself wanting to marry many of my partnerships. My affection for people is profound and encompassing.


I have authored an article that I would like to share with you all. Should any of you wish to disseminate it further to foster a world of improved comprehension.

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