Wow, feels to me that Godot's development is shifting I in to a new and faster gear! Keep m coming!!
Aaaaaaw yeah! looks and feels great!
It seems like a very real possibility. A new, EU followup seems like a natural next step to protect the borders and peace.
I have to charge the battery EVERY TIME! There is a wheel on the top I have to spin else it won't do ANYTHING.
...or if you have the urge, or if you don't have the urge... or if you maybe have a little bit of an urge, but you're not really sure... just...
If only Citizens United v. FEC could be overturned, because it's so very obviously terrible😅
I think the first 35 seconds of his "Election 2024: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)" clip are a very strong argument against the Citizens United v. FEC ruling. Same for voting for judges, including marketing at RealCapitalismTM levels in politics is not good, because eventually it will be worth it for sooooo many corporate entities to just pump large portions of the GDP into politics. Nothing can compare with that, so corporations are favored to win, because marketing works. Fatigue is just one of the symptoms that go across the isle, i'm sure.
JRE vind het ook heel belangrijk om koffie aan de toch ook wel hele zielige burgers in Rusland te blijven verkopen, want ja koffie is voor iedereen, snap je wel. Nee, ik snap dat niet. Ik heb niet vaak zo snel mijn trots in het toilet moeten gooien, DE koffie was voor supermarkt koffie heel degelijk, jammer dat je moord op Oekraïense mensen sponsort er mee. Ik hoop de ze er snel in stikken en dat we het volgende faillissement bericht krijgen :)
Ik vind ze erg lekker, maar een snack van 500kcal per stuk met alleen vet en suiker past niet goed in mijn dieet 😅🤣
First I got an older book for 3.6, I thought maybe following a book is what it takes for me. Then, following this book, I could get my claws in development for longer then 2 hours, and spoke to more folks around me about my project and ambitions, and someone recommended a couple Udemy courses. Found one I liked (Firebelley Games dev), and that got me developing and learning a lot more efficiently. It's still an insane time investment so for me that means I need at least a weekly schedule or I'll just let it go and do the things that give me more instant gratification instead.
Context: I did about 6 months of programming courses in high school and already knew I could grasp the idea of it. It was really just starting up and then really keeping it up.
Can't have drift if you don't have analog controls ¯_(ツ)_/¯ The pain I experienced as a kid was finding a PC controller, working a full day to get the thing working, only to realize it is complete ass, man did I respect console controllers after that.