Only 11, but I’ve recaught the bug. I think I’ll try to add to that number today!
That is an incredible effect. Well done
WoTC, Reddit, Twitter, now unity. All made changes that their user base said they wouldn’t like, made the changes anyway, then lost a bunch of users. There must be some new business Guru telling everybody to piss off their customers
I now wonder what impact cycling has. Obviously, the tires are much smaller and supporting far less weight, but I’m sure I’m still spewing rubber when I brake.
I do work in tech, but a lot of what I do now is physical setup. I could not do my current role fully remote, and these jobs only exist in cities or in fairly large companies. Eventually I’d love to move away from the city and work remotely, but that’s not possible right now. I wasn’t trying to generalize to the population as a whole, I was making a comment on my specific experience.
I make more than the article listed for my state, but it’s unlikely I could actually get by on my own, at least not without sacrificing some comforts like a well maintained apartment, eating every day, and paying my bills on time. Granted, I do live in the city. If I lived in the middle of nowhere my CoL would be lower, but then I’d be unemployed.
I like poking them with pins to hear the noise it makes
These are the best hands I’ve seen from AI.
Stephen Crowder, fairly popular right wing figure. Honestly, I don’t know what he’s done or said that makes him notable, but I do know he is sexist and xenophobic. His wife divorced him for cause and he’s currently on a crusade to make divorce illegal
I cannot tell if this is serious
I’d probably stop drinking beer if I were you.
I agree in principle, but this is practically unenforceable. How do we determine as a society what will be beneficial in 9 generations, and agree?