Saved you a click: Phantom of the Paradise
My wait contitions are set to (Requests Fulfilled AND Ammo > 300) OR (Time Passed > 600 AND Ammo > 300)
Nowadays it's the online account centric shite and all the privacy implications that come along with it. But even before that it was annoying to just trying to do the thing
Doing the thing on linux: command that does the thing
Doing the thing on windows: click here, click there, click some more, second tab, submenu, click advanced, type in the info, save, ok, "yes I'm sure", click ok, click apply, close 626254 windows, reboot
If it works it works. And if you had fun building it, that's even better.
M8ne are somewhat symmetrically built, but that's just my preference.
If you use arch you have to start knitting
Highest to lowest. I edited it into the comment.
Agreed. While 3, VC, and SA were awesome, the shift in style made them so different they're not really comparable.
GTA2 stuck to the top-down view that made the original game so much fun. And the faction system was pretty cool.
I really enjoyed VC and SA, but I found it a bit jarring that the character now had lines. I always preferred that he was a "shut up and do what you're told" kind of guy.
GTA4 was fine.
GTA5 was a really nice tech demo that lacked depth in the gameplay. Great writing, though.
Well, with linux you get the option of sending mixed signals through the use of varying count of guns. I find 9 to be highly effective.
With all the Bowsettes last year, I'm tempted to say no in the name of equality.