
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago

lol you should post this in Ten Forward


Originally released as Wes Craven's New Nightmare in 1994, this movie was sort of a warmup in meta horror before Craven directed Scream two years later. It's arguably the best of the seven A Nightmare on Elm Street sequels and assumes a more serious, darker tone. If you're looking for that cheese established in the sequels (which Craven didn't direct, by the way), it ain't here.

Runtime: 1h 52m

imdb synopsis: A demonic force has chosen Freddy Krueger as its portal to the real world. Can Heather Langenkamp play the part of Nancy one last time and trap the evil trying to enter our world?

Streaming availability:

[–] -1 points 7 months ago

I get the criticism about production, plot, and dialogue decisions. I mean, I agree on quite a few of them. But a good chunk of the detractors are on the hate bandwagon because they just can't stand women/minorities getting representation, and those dumbfucks need to GTFO. It's Trek, for fuck's sake. Yeah, Discovery is different, but I still dig the show.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I think it's a diarrhea face. Yeah, that's a fun thing to say out loud.


1h 19m

imdb synopsis: "A profile of an ancient city and its unique people, seen through the eyes of the most mysterious and beloved animal humans have ever known, the Cat."

Streaming availability:

It's a nice low key documentary about cats and their effect on the residents of Istanbul. It's really well shot, and it goes without saying cat owners would find it most interesting. You don't have to be a cat person to appreciate it, though. Yeah, it's a fascinating take on Istanbul urban life, with little slice of life stories here and there. Also, cats!

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Related JAQing off opinion piece in The Guardian posted today: "Where are all the films about ‘whiteness’?" .

For those unfamiliar with the acronym, JAQ = "Just asking questions," a bad faith tactic pushing an absurd narrative (e.g. "movies for white people are disappearing") by pretending to ask innocent questions.

Direct quote, emphasis mine:

That’s why the final step towards true racial equality on screen is for whiteness to be cinematically named, described and dethroned from its “just human” position of cultural power. It’s time for white people to develop a cinema culture all of their own.

It's riddled with white power talking points like this. This shit is really fucked up. It is irresponsible for a well-known major news source to publish shit like this, even with the "opinion" label attached. It's basically right wing extremist (aka Nazi) recruitment propaganda.


Slow burn western set in the Edwardian Era (1906), best if you avoid the imdb synopsis and any potential spoiler sources and go in blind.

(1h 39m runtime)

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Mod was enforcing unwritten rules and deleting posts mentioning it, so the regulars moved to Ten Forward: Pardon the mess, we're at the tail end (I think) of a 24-hour spree on name puns. It's not usually like this.

Okay, I lied, it's always this weird.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

From what I've seen, I sincerely think you'll like it at Beehaw. They're an ok bunch of progressive folks who refuse to let it become a nazi bar. I can get behind that. Have fun!

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Yeah, these aren't even jokes, more like some weirdass gross power fantasy.

“God forbid I ever go to jail. But if I do, I hope it’s in California. Soon as the judge sentences me, I’ll be like, ‘Before you sentence me, I want the court to know I identify as a woman. Send me to a woman’s jail.’ As soon I get in there, you know what I’mma be doing. ‘Give me your fruit cocktail, bitch, before I knock your motherfucking teeth out. I’m a girl, just like you, bitch. Come here and suck this girl dick I got. Don’t make me explain myself. I’m a girl.'”

I am trans, and it's hard to not take the insults personally, especially since this "edgy comedy" is coming from a comedian I used to admire and respect. What the fuck, Dave?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

What OS & version are you using that automatically converts file types when you change the filename via the default file manager interface? I have never heard of this function before.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (3 children)

you can just manually change the extension to “.jpeg” or “.png” and Windows/Linux/Android file managers will automatically convert it

Thank you for the suggestion, but that's not how it works. Changing a file's extension doesn't change the file type; it just changes the name.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (7 children)

Bah, no sign of "Save webP as PNG or JPEG" yet.

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