
joined 8 months ago
[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 3 points 6 days ago

Hardlinking files to their new destination and your normalized naming schema. Using symlinks would be madness.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 2 points 1 week ago

In certain contexts the opinions of some federal officials is quite a bit more than "simply giving an opinion". The most obvious examples being the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Commerce Secretary.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 8 points 1 week ago

It's a lot easier to setup and get non-techy family to join. Setting up Jellyfin is easy until you want access outside your LAN. Setting up TLS or a VPN is a hassle I don't want unless there is no other option. Plex has features I (and my family) use that jellyfin doesn't support by default yet. Last I checked syncing of files for offline viewing in the official app wasn't very good yet. Plex has a bunch of ad supported live streams baked in that aren't too bad. There is a "How It's Made" channel, a Mythbusters channel, and Top Gear channel. PlexAmp isn't perfect, but it's better than any of the Jellyfin options I've seen.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 5 points 1 week ago

Except that none of that is accurate and leaves out the crucial detail that getting measles destroys your body's antibody memory used to fight all the other diseases your body had already learned to fight. It also ignores the horrific and totally avoidable deaths that also resulted.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Bull. This is corporate propaganda for the grind culture, the same capitalist culture that is currently grinding the middle class into the gutter.

I love my job. I'm pretty fucking good at it, probably wouldn't be much good at anything else. But, I wouldn't do it for free. I wouldn't do it if I didn't need a job. And I still get burnt out on the constant demands it makes on my time and energy. Turns out, humans value play over obligation. We are most fulfilled, happy, and joyful at play. Play is like the opposite of obligation. The only thing worse than being forced to work is watching as your play (fulfilling thing you enjoy doing) turns to work (that thing you're obligated to do for survival).

It's the time that is the difference, not the bullshit fallacy of "do what you love". If we could all survive off of a 3-4 day work week and a 3-4 day weekend, that might actually make a dent on those problems. We might all find we're all a lot less stressed, fulfilled, and able to connect more meaningfully with the rest of humanity.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Every university needs a cool bug guy. And no matter what discipline you're in, your college experience will be better for knowing them. Kind of like the groundskeeper at Starfleet Academy, Boothby

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 4 points 2 weeks ago

I want a shady hammock grove.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Things often have various maintenance cycles that need to be maintained. Most tools require regular safety checks (usually performed by user right before use) that you probably don't want to depend on the public for. Batteries may need to be charged or changed. Oil changes and the maintenance of other consumable parts. Firmware updates. Licensing (and maintaining a record of licensing) for said firmware or software. Warranty timelines for repair or replacement. Maintenance that needs to be done after each use, every time interval, or only (or especially) if the thing sits unused.

[–] Wolf314159@startrek.website 2 points 2 weeks ago

"On a previous android phone"

They've been incrementally locking down those features and options (or security holes) over the years. I've used Tasker almost from the very first android phone to automate tasks and watched those features it tied into slowly get stripped away or locked down to the point of being useless.

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