No, it's because there's a lottery system that has been backlogged for decades. US immigration is such a bad process that skilled people go to Canada instead because the government there actually values those people.
You're suggesting turning a $15 or so YouTube bill into a $50+ Patreon bill depending on what creators they watch
Bro skilled people wanting to become US residents or citizens have to wait an absurd amount of time to even have a chance
You're acting like plenty of politicians in the West wouldn't do this if they could.
They aren't even disposable, so it's crazy to me how they can be sold as such.
As a happy Comcast customer, my old ISP still only sells plans up to 100 Mbps and it routes all traffic through a city that's over 200 miles away.
No, because United employees didn't beat the passenger up, the police did. That's not even remotely close to the worst thing that cops have gotten away with.
As an aside, I personally don't understand why people would choose Kroger over Walmart
Not saying it's fake, but point 4 is a good way of spreading misinformation on the internet
You are mixing up the different values.
"Meanwhile, scattered reports of **MS Flight Sim 2020'**s bandwidth consumption point toward a more conservative ~100 Mb/s in densely populated photogrammetry areas, such as major cities. Usage in lighter areas could dip as low as 10 Mb/s, though the official Microsoft bandwidth recommendation for that game was 50 Mb/s."
Flight Sim 2020 had a higher install size and lower bandwidth. Flight Sim 2024 has a lower install size and higher bandwidth requirement. Even if the sustained load isn't using the maximum bandwidth, it still means that 2024 will use a significant amount of bandwidth such that it may affect customers with data caps.
You're assuming the law matters when a company can hire a team of lawyers and a solo dev can't
Roast her back