
joined 1 week ago
[–] 1 points 23 hours ago

Yup, I agree with all of this. We have a lot of work to do in several areas to fix this shit, that much is for sure. The third party thing would really only work in the local elections though. Presidential elections are set up to be damn near impossible for a third party to compete as anything other than a potential spoiler.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Biggest and easiest method would be to co opt the primary process. So many fewer people vote on who the actual party candidate will be that it is far easier to influence the final election. If enough registered Dems actually participated in the primaries we could get someone like Bernie in. To really mess with the Repubs people could co opt their party instead, though asking Dems to register as Republicans would be a lot more difficult. Keep screwing Musk as well. Can burn up the ones at dealerships still, they are insured too so the idea of insurance companies not wanting to insure Tesla would still be viable, though definitely slower and more difficult but this way we are at least not pushing undecided folks over to the wrong side. Protesting is always useful those should definitely keep going. In fact most of what the left is doing is helpful, this one specific action I think is counterproductive though. Definitely the biggest change that can be made is participation in the primaries. At the very least we could get an actual left leaning Democrat instead of a weak willed centrist. At best it would be possible to co opt both (though that part would be highly unlikely).

[–] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yup. Funny all the people blaming the bible like the dude up there calling it a stupid book... obviously hasn't read it. The bible has great lessons, 90% of Christians just ignore them is all. Don't blame the book for the idiots who claim to follow it when they actually aren't. Even the stuff wanna be Christians quote thinking it supports their argument they are either misunderstanding or leaving out vital context. Real Christians are very rare and almost never associated with an organized church. They just quietly try to do their best they don't try to use their belief to justify the rest of their life and bad decisions.

[–] -3 points 1 day ago

This is present on both sides. So many on the left apparently think that burning Tesla's owned by random people who bought them way before Elon revealed himself to be a Nazi cunt is going to do something other than drive undecided people to the MAGAts that it blows my mind. Looks like a lot of the left agrees with Elon about empathy being weakness because they have none here. Not understanding how regular/ undecided people feel about having their car burnt up and thinking they are going to do anything but get pissed and join the other side is about as unempathetic as it gets. Musk would be proud of them. I just hope it is a vocal minority doing it and agreeing with it and that they are caught and arrested before they can damage the anti MAGA cause too much.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

And all those peoples whose cars burn turn to the MAGAts in a rage and join the team up to 'own the libs' even harder. Even if the plan worked, which is highly unlikely, it would do more damage than it would help. Yeah it would be great to tear down Musks fortune. Not going to stop Trump from being president though and it will make more people want to vote for his side next time. Yeah. That sound super helpful. Y'all are so convinced you are right that no argument is going to change your mind. You are as bad as a MAGAt when it comes to listening and really thinking about things you do not immediately agree with. Ignore the forest for the trees...

If these are the best ideas and people that the left has to offer we are never going to win this. Ugh.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

My arguments are moronic, lol. Hard to believe you can even say that with a straight face. Fine you all want more people to join the other side obviously no argument from anyone is going to change your minds. Enjoy losing this war, whatever. No point in arguing, you are as bad as the MAGA fools when it comes to realizing when you are wrong. Anyone who disagrees with you is obviously wrong no matter what because you just can never be wrong about anything. Damn that sounds familiar.

There is no way that burning random peoples cars is going to do anything except make more people pissed at our side and push more people into Trumps arms. This is one of the stupidest things we could do. Burn the dealerships that is awesome, burn down Musks house even better. Burn down aunt millies Tesla? Pointless and counterproductive. You all sound like a bunch of pissed off teenagers. No logic, just anger.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Because everyone is rich like you and can afford to just buy a new car because some CEO revealed himself to be an evil cunt. You are so out of touch it hurts my head. If folks like you are the majority of the people on the anti-musk side we are so very destined to lose this war. So discouraging, ugh. We have no chance at all with that mindset.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (7 children)

You do know he already got paid for those so you are not impacting anything except some rando innocent person who now will actively hate your cause and move further towards the fascist side? Or maybe you don't. Know it or not burning peoples Tesla's is one of the absolute worst and stupidest moves someone can do if they actually want things to change. That just adds one more them to the "us vrs them".

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Burning some random persons car is not defending yourself from fascism, lol. How stupid can you get? People are mad at Musk so they are trying to burn down anything associated with him. If anything you dumbshits are encouraging people to join the fascist side. You think someone who does not care either way is going to get their car burned by a Musk hater and all of a sudden think "Damn, you know what? Musk really must be a Nazi if someone burned my Tesla. I am going to join the cause~!"

Idiots are making more people join the other side with these misdirected angry outbursts against innocent folks. Especially since most of them bought them back before everyone knew Musk was a crazy Nazi.

[–] -2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Lets just burn all the VW's too they were literal card carrying Nazi's. Who cares if it was 80 years ago these new owners should be punished! Driving a car made by a Nazi is driving a car made by a Nazi eh?

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

That is cool, I did not even realize that Lemmy can interact with different software that way. It really is such an awesome idea!

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Yup, that is the one. So not something I am doing wrong then just some current oddity with the site. I can live with that, was just curious. Thanks!


Question is all there in the title. No matter which way I try to sort the feed it seems to be entirely random instead.

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