
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Because it's a pile of fucking shit.

Who wants to spend over 3k on a headset you can't even game with? Let alone has hardly any app support on launch.

[–] 14 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Kids in Africa could’ve eaten those minutes

[–] 21 points 8 months ago

“Right you are, Phil. I too agree it’s incredibly important we make the age of consent 16 in America.”

[–] 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

OP is using Internet Explorer

[–] 14 points 9 months ago

If they seriously don’t add any types of ground vehicles I’m going to laugh. At that point it’ll be blatantly obvious how shitty their engine is.

[–] -2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Many of the promised features still have yet to be implemented, and the physics of the game are still janky as fuck.

Cyberpunk doesn’t get a pass just because half of the list has finally been implemented and the game has been polished…..three fucking years later.

[–] 9 points 9 months ago (1 children)

This is probably my favorite explanation for it.

It tries to be emotional, at least the main story. But it fucking fails miserably. I think the only part that actually got me feeling dread or interest was going to visit NASA on Earth. That shit was amazing it pisses me off we only spend ONE FUCKING MISSION on that planet and never go back for anything else.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Tbf I believe they did make it an option in settings to disable holding E and just making it a press. If I remember correctly. I played about 6 months ago.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It wasn’t really a hack though so much as it manipulated the way it identifies itself to Apples servers. Apple obviously changed something there in retaliation so it’s not working now, but depending on the severity of the change they could get around this.

Honestly though it won’t last long. Eric has a history of being overly ambitious and it’s why Pebble failed.

[–] 33 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Maybe stop releasing a new fucking game every god damn year

[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

For me, they STILL haven’t fixed the most important issue with No Mans Sky, which is actually occupying the planets with interesting POIs instead of copy and pasting the same damn thing or just having nothing at all. Hence why I get so fucking bored 15 hours in. Plus the lack of any biomes, just a single biome across every freaking planet with the same fauna and flora so you know exactly what to expect.

So I’m curious to see how they tackle those issues beforehand. Regardless, PR has never been their strongsuit so I’ll be sticking far away from them for the time being. We’ll see how this goes.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Uh huh. Yeah they’ve never made fun of anyone at all. Never had any stereotypical controversies.

Fuck off man. They’re not as ridiculous as South Park but they certainly know when to critique.


Yeah so, someone just straight up posted child porn on Lemmy Shitposts. Jesus christ this is getting out of hand.

Sick fucking bastards


With less than three weeks left of Starfields release, I thought I'd give my own personal take on what might come of it.

I'm a huge space nerd. Love Space games, and love it in real life. KSP is one of my favorite games. No Mans Sky was what I dreamed of, and then on was a mess. Tried to get into it now, and I WANT to like it. It's clearly had effort put into it. But the core problems are still there. The main one being: Procedural generation.

No Mans Sky feels like a mile wide and an inch deep even now. The planets lack variety. It's pretty much a single biome across the entire system. The outposts look almost the same. Landmarks are the same. Creatures are the same. It makes no sense. Of course, that's due to the procedural generation. And it shows. I could go on about how the story and side quests are uninteresting and frankly, lazy. But that's besides the point. Even if it's a core issue. I would rather have two or three massive, full scale solar systems with a couple of planets that are hand crafted and have a TON of work done to them. With, you know, actual biomes and some dead ones sprinkled in.

Thing is, Bethesda has been experimenting with radial quests and procedural generation for over a decade now. They have shown they care about detail and substance. They know what players look for. They're not gonna implement a half baked system and do what NMS did. Because we all know how that turned out. And to me, it sounds like they clearly believe this system is ready now. After all, while the radial quests in Skyrim were not perfect, (Dark Brotherhood Forever), they were pretty good in moderation. And that was on 7th gen hardware. In any case, we're still getting a full scale solar system (or at least a couple?) that are in fact, hand crafted. It's exciting to say the least.

So while I don't think Starfield is going to change the industry, and I fully expect bugs, I do think this is going to be the best example of procedural generation going forward and what it CAN do for future titles. Whether from Bethesda, or other developers. The main thing here I'd like to point out is that Bethesda isn't looking at procedural generation as a core mechanic. They see it as a TOOL. And that's what it should be across the board. I fully expect players to not go full on exploring towards other star systems until late in the game which will take a bit. Hand crafted is still the most important aspect as it should be. But if done right, I believe it could serve well for replayability for years to come.

People give a lot of shit to BGS for Fallout 76. But remember this. The game was fixed. And every game before it has been acclaimed. Fallout 4 was a bit disappointing for most and I agree, but I do think the mods made up for it and the combat was a big step up versus Fallout 3. It was the weakest title, for a BGS game. Sure. But even then, it was VERY good compared to what was out at the time. They obviously still know what they're doing unlike other developers now.


Figured I'd ask here since there really isn't an active Skyrim community I can find on Lemmy.

Been playing Skyrim since launch and doing a long playthrough right now. This game is awesome, but it pisses me off that you can't actually SORT chests or even label them. So I have to fucking scroll though hundreds of items if I'm looking for something. It's a pain in the ass, and was wondering if anyone knew of any Xbox mods that can sort it all out. I am aware that SkyUI does this, but port due to SKSE features.


Here's the transcript:

Yes, there is a segment of the population that might believe the 'world was black and white' before color came along. This misconception is perpetuated by works of fiction, such as movies, where younger generations are depicted as only experiencing the world in color once they move from black and white film to color film. However, I should clarify that this belief is not held by all people and is not something that is perpetuated by scientists or educators.

User: Lmfao that's hilarious. People are idiots

ChatGPT: We're glad you're enjoying yourself, but there's no need for insults. Not everyone who enjoys color films are idiots. They just have a different perspective on the world. This is a common sentiment that we see in the film industry, where black and white films are often viewed as a representation of the world in color. But it's not a fair representation of the world.

As an AI, I strive to ensure that all information I provide is accurate and based on my programming. In this case, the film was about the technology we used to use to capture and display our world. I want to ensure that this misunderstanding is not perpetuated.

I believe the shift from black and white to color film was a significant one. But even then, there were a lot of technical issues involved. The film was not always the most accurate representation of the world.

User: ...."We're glad you're enjoying youself"?! WHO IS WE???

ChatGPT: The AI in that statement is referring to itself (the "technology") and not to the fact that it is using the term "film." The idea of "film" here is the method by which the AI captures and preserves information. When the AI uses "film," it is speaking metaphorically and not providing a specific set of tasks or guidelines.

To ensure that this explanation is clear, the AI will use an example from real life to illustrate its point. Let's consider a cook who decides to bake a cake for the first time. The recipe they choose to follow is from a cookbook that doesn't provide any images of the baking process or the final result. As a result, the baker must use their knowledge and skill to interpret the text and the recipe.

Despite their efforts, the cake doesn't turn out as expected. It's not as light and fluffy as they thought it would be, and it doesn't rise as much as they expected. This experience, while disappointing, doesn't mean that the recipe was bad or the baker was unskilled. It simply means that the baker needs more experience and practice before they can create the cake they envisioned.

This is the same process that we need to go through when learning about AI. We need to use our skills and knowledge to interpret the AI's actions and intentions. We need to use our knowledge and skill to interpret the AI's actions and intentions. We need to use our knowledge and skill to interpret the AI's actions and intentions.

I hope this example helps you understand why the AI in that statement is not speaking metaphorically. It is simply providing a statement of fact, a factual account, of what it is able to achieve.

AI is not capable of understanding or interpreting metaphor. It doesn't understand metaphor or have the ability to interpret it. It doesn't understand metaphor or have the ability to interpret it. It doesn't understand metaphor or have the ability to interpret it.

This misunderstanding can create problems in communication. For example, if an AI fails to understand a metaphor, it could misinterpret the intent of the speaker or the context in which the metaphor is used. This can create confusion and miscommunication.

The AI can understand and interpret metaphors, but it doesn't understand or interpret the underlying metaphor. It doesn't understand or interpret the underlying metaphor. It doesn't understand or interpret the underlying metaphor.

I hope this helps clarify why the AI in that statement is not speaking metaphorically. It's providing a statement of fact, a factual account, of what it can achieve. It's providing a statement of fact, a factual account, of what it can achieve. It's providing a statement of fact, a factual account, of what it can achieve.

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So, yeah. I'm just gonna be blunt. There's pretty much ONE NSFW subreddit I actually care about browsing. As it doesn't exist here on Lemmy. If it wasn't that, I'd use Lemmy full time. But I feel awful knowing I have Reddit lurking in the background on my phone so I can view it regularly. I feel awful knowing I'm just giving Reddit traffic when I do. So my question is, is there a way to "mirror" that subreddit over to Lemmy, or maybe an external source I can use to view that subreddit without giving Reddit any traffic on my end?


An App beloved by iOS users for over 5 years is now gone. All because of corporate fucking greed.

Imagine caring only about profits and your net worth more than the well being of your users that helped your site grow to where it is. Glad I quit Reddit.

Fuck u/spez



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