YYYY-MM-DD everything else is wrong.
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For file versioning, this is the way. So when you sort your files by name, your files sort chronologically.
It's also the most relevant information first. I don't care about what day it is if I don't know what month it's in. If it's an unambiguous context they can just be omitted.
Not only that. Processing logs with DD/MM/YYYY in many systems will result in octal base error because of the leading 0 in dates such as 07 08 09, and don't let me talk about how some languages read the back slash / pukes in shell
sniff sniff
You smell that? They're coming, the ISO 8601 gang.
Easily proved to be the best: in every time travel story, the time traveler asks for the date. The unsuspecting drone always responds with DD or MM-DD, and the protagonist has to shout at them “NO! WHAT YEAR IS IT?”
Always start with YYYY.
I rest my case.
Gotta have that good sorting
Anything else is madness. It’s demonstrably the only logical answer.
DD is day in year, I think dd is what you mean. Also, YYYY is week year, so better to use yyyy.
YMD is primarily used in:
China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, Hungary, Mongolia, Lithuania, Bhutan, Sweden
That is one weird country group.
China and Japan switched from their old calendar system, which was using the start of their current emperor inauguration as the first year, reset with each new emperor.
So I guess it was easier to choose the only correct date format.
You're god damn right
Fuck yeah
Hell yeah, brother!
ISO-8601 or bust.
I prefer RFC 3339. It allows you to omit the "T" for example. Like this: 1985-04-12 23:20:50Z
Either is preferable to the abomination in the meme.
Today is 2024, January 24.
It looks perfect. Although my only concern is if we should use the preposition "in" (since the year comes first: "in 2024") or "on" (because we say "on January 24").
It's great when organizing something in a database. You can just do A to Z ordering and it works just fine.
However visually it's not very good because it puts the least important piece of information first and the most important piece of information last. I probably know the current year so it doesn't need to be that prominent, and I'm fairly certain that it's going to be sometime this millennium, so I don't need the date to four digits.
It's entirely depend on the time frame range of your data. If it's wide it rapidly becomes useful to see the year first. In general I like to put 'larger' group variables in tables from left to right, helps in a similar way.
Always write largest to smallest. That way it can be sorted easily starting with the year, then month, then day.
We should all just write it in ISO 8601
I bet you write your time as ss:mm:hh you silly little guy, you small to large clown you. Break up with him babe, you can do better
2/2/0/3/0/1/2/4 <- Today's date in this obnoxious format
Pure beauty.
looks better when you remove the slashes
Is that Kirk?
Yep; William Shatner.
Bill Shats. Master and Commander of the Deathstar Galactica.
Let's add more granularity, like hours and minutes:
Little-endian number formats are the only way to go in the year 4202.
dump him
Back in the 2000's it was way more confusing. The appointment is on 10/09/11, when the hell is that?
JD/YYYY (Julian Date/Year)
Fuck you JD Edwards for making me think about leap years
Logical? So if we use the same logic for money, that big mac will be $17.5