I keep forgetting just how late to the game I was with Tomb Raider. I think the first one I played was called... Legends? Gamecube game. I was about to say all I remember is a giant temple in a snowy mountain but that really isn't helpful, is it? lmao
That article the other day talking about reddit going to paywall some features... There is no way that site is going to survive and keep a net-positive flow of users into the site.
Edit: Someone sent it to me a few hours ago. I can't even.
I did acknowledge the criticism, did I not? I made a stickied post and added a new rule to the community specifically because of this complaint. A complaint that could have been made like an adult, to me directly, and without insulting me and the community at the exact same time as you say you are blocking it and leaving forever on your high horse.
They were removed for jumping between multiple threads and stirring shit up, then leaving the final comment saying they were blocking the entire community and moving on. They certainly did not want to continue with the community at that point and I was tired of clicking on multiple posts and seeing them complain. All of them talking about how I don't address stuff meanwhile they never tried to message me directly from any of the ones that I saw. I only became aware of them when they openly @'d me in the final message to say fuck the community and that they were leaving. Was then that I saw other messages, said fuck it and permanently banned them from the community. I'd do the exact same thing again, too. ESPECIALLY looking at that modlog or any of their other comments. Going around randomly calling users assholes and saying fuck this community and just stirring shit up left right and center? I don't want to deal with it. It's exactly why I blocked them immediately after responding to this post.
As much as they want to whine and scream that I banned them over their criticism, I didn't. I banned them over their childish and immature behavior that openly violated the rule in the sidebar, and a rule that has been unchanged since I put it there. Childish and immature behavior that is openly display throughout the entire of their modlog and posting history.
I'm going back to my Severance breakdowns. This show is so fuckin' addicting.
Unlikely you'll ever be in this situation but fun fact: Whales have enormous mouths but itty bitty throats. They can't swallow anything larger than a grapefruit so unless it hauls in your infant? You'll probably be fine if you stay calm. Just maybe a little traumatized.
With Mastodon on the keys
But absolutely adorable <3
You were banned because you made numerous comments across numerous posts. None of them were in direct response to me, none of them were @'ing me until your final dramatic blow up and none of them were being constructive in anyway whatsoever. If you had bothered to actually try and talk to me? That would be something else. You never did. You just decided to violate the be civil rule on the subreddit and say that it was akin to stolen fucking valor to post content. Content that did not need a tag as was specified in the sidebar. You just kept comparing the community to the subreddit and saying "WELL IT SHOULD BE LIKE THAT" as if Lemmy wasn't created with the explicit reason of leaving reddit.
You did not effect change because I agreed with you. I made the sidebar in the rule to prevent people like you from whining in the future about something that had already been clearly established. But let me be abundantly clear. You were not behaving civilly on the community, you were jumping from thread to thread and creating unnecessary drama.
You were banned for violating the rules. Nothing more, nothing less.
Well Ummthatguy wasn't wrong because I wanna read this
I'm considering it
Right? The level of desperation required to get to that point must be absolutely unreal