You've asked two different questions.
- Why don't the democratic voters actually riot
- First, riots are illegal. I think you mean protest.
- Protest what? He was just elected president. A bit more than the majority of the electorate made this choice so we all have to deal with it. It's called democracy.
- He ran a relatively transparent campaign. So far, all he's done is sign executive orders we all knew he was going to do. A majority of Americans voted for these actions.
- Why are the journalist bending over to Musk?
- Why aren't they calling his nazi salute a nazi solute? Fear.
- I read an article saying Jon Stewart was the only one the mentioned Musk's salute. I watched the segment and, while he did mention it, he did not call it a nazi salute. He tried to, in Jon's funny way, make an excuse for what he was doing.
- I suspect there are legal reasons for not calling this a nazi salute. Likely defamation.
- There's also people / organizations (like the ADL) who, for whatever reason, need to be kept in the good grace's of these powerful people or who need to maintain their seat at one table or another.