
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 1 points 1 week ago

The bottom line is that the elites don't "hate" their armed enforcers.... they hire them as disposable.

Cops think they are heroes for being the armed thugs for the elites.

It's like asking if a mob boss hates their hitmen or their other goons. No, they don't, but they know they are disposable and loyal.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The elites don't hate cops. They are the employers of the cops.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 1 points 1 week ago

Interpreted by the jury.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 2 points 1 week ago

An argument could be made for "yes", and with nuance, the justification gets stronger the higher up the food chain you go.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 4 points 1 week ago

He is a mass murderer.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 3 points 1 week ago

A self defense murder, which is a legal type of murder.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today -1 points 1 week ago

. Does anyone care about this man's family whom I'm sure loved him?

The care claims AI system decided that care about the family of a mass murder did not meet policy requirements.

He should have been more proactive at maintaining his health, and as such, the family's claim for anyone to care has been denied.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Mastodon has been usable, and simple, as well.

I signed up for my tildeverse account once they spun up an instance, and I followed people I saw posting. And now, I've collected a fair number of followers and people I follow to see what they say.

Works quite well.

So, what isn't usable or simple?

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Define "better", first.

I've been using Mastodon for about 5 years now, and what I've seen of bsky, is that it's not better: It's centralized, owned by cryptobros, and subject to the exact same problems as twitter is for user safety.

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 1 points 2 weeks ago

I have yet to break anything doing release upgrades on Debian since... 7? Or 6?

[–] ubergeek@lemmy.today 28 points 2 weeks ago

I still don't care about why an oligarch died, as long as they died.

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