The Southern Victory series by Harry Turtledove. Follows from the South winning the Civil War up through WWII with the US and Confederates being bitter rivals throughout.
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Wii sports and wii fit sold a lot of units. My mom bought a wii fit to use with my Wii and she never games. Like ever. She was one of those moms that called other game systems “Nintendo”.
No idea. I read it when I was like 12.
EDIT: a quick google search gave me the name Vonda N. McIntyre. No idea who she is.
Probably not the best, but I enjoyed the novelization of Star Trek IV. You get to actually see what the probe is thinking from its point of view, which was fun and super interesting.
This is why, as an English teacher, I like to just give a ballpark for length, and just say it should be as long as it needs to be to get the point across successfully. If you answer the prompt in full, it should be plenty long enough.
I dunno, I’d rather get 10 episodes per season and have all or most be bangers than have 20+ and have to wade through the subpar episodes.
Why not just say almost 4 years?
Anecdotal evidence here, if I use antiperspirants for any extended amount of time, I begin to sweat from my armpits uncontrollably, as in sweat literally pours out of my armpits like a leaky faucet, and that’s not an exaggeration. I now use straight deodorant exclusively and just deal with normal sweat amounts.
If I do a Google search and a Reddit thread comes up with relevant info or discussion, I’ll check it out but I have completely stopped browsing and interacting with it.
Everyone know the the real method is to grab it between your pointer and middle knuckles like you’re knocking an arrow. Then give it a good yank, and if you do it to someone else, yell, “got your nose!”, as loud as you can.