You forget that regulation exists. That is the only other option to reduce manufacturing of stuff like this. Relying on the "free" market is usually a bad idea, because in this world there isn't really anything like a free market. Every market is disproportionately influenced by the people who benefit from the status quo.
I mean, free usually implies a shittier version, no? So it could very well just be incomplete.
Nobody says there will be a complete big Mac at the end of the week
ohhh that makes sense. thanks
I don't get it. I mean I see the fedora and the neckbeard, so the "m'lady" kinda makes sense but I don't get the rest I guess
I'm dreading the day my bad mouth hygiene will catch up to me... I know how bad it is but I still can't get myself to brush every night.
That's still super low cost compared to all the regular repairs a combustion engine needs, especially when you consider that combustion cars also need tire replacements, just a bit less often
Apparently it's the Bag O Nails pub on St George Road, according ti another comment
In German there's an insult: "Sitzpinkler". It means "someone who sits down when peeing". Never heard anyone use it seriously though.
That's kinda beautiful
Why didn't you keep in touch, sounds like a fun person
I'm OOTL. Why are people upset with Torvalds?