
joined 1 year ago
[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 3 points 1 year ago

Scratch my previous summary. Yours wins the cake.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 7 points 1 year ago

Thank you for doing this.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

The article is a little weird. This is my interpretation, need to look for other sources.

President says that the ambassador is "taken hostage, literally".
Military in Niger wants him out of the country, but French government says that his work is too valuable, he must stay.
Military says " OK, but he can't leave the embassy, Persona Non Grata".

Technically the ambassador has either choice of leaving the country or staying inside the embassy. Food is not delivered anymore, leaving him with military rations to eat.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 34 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The French variant of the article says that there is only military rations left to eat at the embassy.
But your post kind of implies that the French embassador is "force fed" military rations? This is a very weird way to translate it.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Lemmy est une plateforme libre (sous licence AGPL-3.0) et fédérée. La fédération est un système qui permet à n’importe qui de mettre en ligne un serveur, et de l’utiliser pour interagir avec le reste de la plateforme, de la même manière que les différents serveurs d’emails permettent d’envoyer des messages peu importe le serveur choisi.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Super, a la fois succinct et instructif. J'ajouterais seulement un mini paragraphe pour expliquer ce qu'est la fédération. On ne fait pas forcément le rapprochement entre la notion que Lemmy est fédéré, et le système des instances. Je chippote un peu, le reste est impeccable (a mon humble opinion).

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Je suis honnêtement curieux de l'avis de la communauté au sujet de cette vidéo, parce que je suis pas mal out of the loop en matière de réseaux sociaux. Avant de regarder la vidéo, je ne connaissais ni lun ni l'autre de ces individus.
Je sais que donner mon avis avant d'avoir celui des autres aurait influencé les réactions.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Sans avoir regardé, est-ce que ça parle de libertés volés au nom de l’environnement ? Est-ce que les médias sont accusées de censure ? Ils disent peut être que c’est hypocrite d’interdire les vols par avion ?

Tu viens de remplir une carte Bingo.


Je viens de recevoir cette vidéo d'un proche. Je me suis déjà fait un avis tranché, mais je suis tout aussi curieux de l'avis de la communauté Lemmy sur cette interview.
Édit: vu le nombre de bas votes en trente minute, j'ai trouvé réponse a ma question.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 1 points 1 year ago

Gives a Thalos Principle vibe, somehow

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'd play the hell out of this videogame.

[–] kurogane@lm.helilot.com 47 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't remember which, but on one of my flights, we were distributed eye masks with different colors on each side. If you were wearing the red color on the outside, it meant that you wanted to be left alone. Smart and yey, free eye mask!


I've been looking across the internet, up, down, front, and back. No clue.

Let say two artists put their work together and want to add a donation banner on the webpage of their collaboration. For example, a singer shares their music with a video maker.
First, they agree on an arbitrary share for future donations. Like 50%/50% or 75%/25%, etc.
They may not know each other well, they may live in two separate continents.

Is there any platform or api allowing this?

  • Once the share is agreed upon, an artist can not change it without the approval of both.
  • The platform shouldn't be bound to a country (for example Stripe cannot accept international donations, unless the artists are in the US).
  • I may be wishing for Santa Claus, but a privacy-friendly solution would be awesome.

Any idea appreciated, I've been drying my a$$ off for weeks on this one.


I can see the difference in engagement between the subreddit and this community. I'm wondering out loud what we could do to motivate a migration from there to here.


I used Trelent, an extension for VS code that didn't require any registration, but their server has been unresponsive for a while. Any alternative you would recommend?
My code is in Python, mostly.

Edit: I wasn't clear on my intention. I was looking for a tool that would lay out a generic description so I would start from something and fine tune the explanation.
I am incredibly bad at documenting, the process is tedious and frustrating. At the end of the day, my explanations are mostly gibberish anyway.
From your general consensus, I should bite the bullet and do it by myself.
I really appreciate your feedback, point taken. Time to psych myself up with some death metal and get it over with.


As title says. Looking for a community where people can discuss their project, share resources, etc.

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