wedges a chair onto the door knob
A bit concerning that it is propped up on a night table and sitting right next to a doorway. There's only two of us in the house but I would never place electronic equipment like that near a doorway where I myself could just knock it over (because I've done stuff like that in the past). Get it on the floor or on the opposite side of the room where no one including yourself can walk or move around near it.
Looks like you need to attend another semester of the School for the Mechanically Declined .... I seem to have failed too because I've never seen a slotted screw like that either.
This is what I love about these guys .... they know full well that this is wrong, this is unacceptable and that the majority of people don't support them .... which is why they wear a mask to hide themselves. They are brazen enough to step out in public to display what they want but they are cowardly enough to not want to be identified.
If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
It doesn't matter who decides to run for president .... it's all dependent on who gets the most marketing / advertising and promotional campaign - which all requires money. So it means whoever has the most money or whoever can influence the most money can run for president.
It isn't the message that matters ... it doesn't matter if its left, right, up or down .. whoever gets to achieve the most influence over the wealthiest individuals gets to run for president.
No ... I never did before .... now I am ... from now on, I will
.... and they're all inside (along with all of us) a self driving bus headed for a cliff at full speed
I'm health wise OK but my wife isn't for the rest of her life so I have to take precautions everywhere. I don't mind because I really don't like dealing with people anyway.
I do grocery pickup and go inside the store maybe four or five times a year now.
I haven't been to the inside of a restaurant in over three years, we use patios and sidewalk tables outdoors.
I specifically only ever use gas stations where you pay at the pump.
I haven't been to a mall or indoor space with people in years now.
I order everything else to my door.
I really don't miss dealing with people and now find it completely weird and disorienting to deal with people in public now.
She looks more masculine now than before.
This is exactly what I mean ..... just because someone committed one murder and got caught, it doesn't mean that they didn't commit multiple other murders that will never be known about.
The kickback is also in saying that they donated the money to charity .... which was collected from other people
It's like I asked you to donate money to a charity and I said I had to be the one to collect it .... then I take your money and donate it in my name ... basically, I took your generosity and claimed it as my own.
In many cases company's also understand that they can't openly do this because it would be too obvious ... instead they just ride the generosity gravy train ... they encourage people to donate to charities through their store/company/business ... then the company may or may not give their own contributions but they get to attach their name to the donated amounts.
It's like a billionaire selling you a can a beans and then asking you to donate a penny to a charity .... I always say no because the idiot billionaire could spare 1% of their wealth and give millions of dollars to charities everywhere, why the hell are you asking me?
I never give to charities through a store/company or business ... I give directly to charities on my own.