I also fail to see how this applies here. What is the disinformation? Where is the Russian bias? If you are seeing something I am not, please elaborate, but the summary in the article is:
No one would blame Zelenskyy for choosing the lesser of two evils here: Western banks over Russian tanks. Yet, the grim fact remains that even if his nation succeeds in repealing the Russian invasion, the future in store for Ukraine is not necessarily one of sovereignty and self-determination but, most likely, one of Western economic tutelage.
Of course large global asset managers are going to see money signs in their eyes. The fact is that Ukrainians are being put between a rock and a hard place, and exploitation of those kind of situations is capitalism 101.
Also, if you are assuming this is Russian propaganda, why is it coming from a website ran by a British political activist funded by a British investor. It also seems to be "mostly factual". I'm failing to see where the tie to Russia is.
Thermometers, like most measurement devices, are always accurate until you get two of them. Each device has a specific tolerance (or should, otherwise it's probably a horrible tolerance), for a grill thermometer this will look like -/+5C/10F. Additionally, everything used to read a measurement needs to be calibrated regularly to ensure proper function, otherwise readings cannot be trusted. For a thermometer, the easily accessible way to calibrate are to use ice water (does it read 0C/32F) and boiling water (does it read 100C/212F). Using these constants will allow you to adjust your thermometer and get a (more) accurate reading.