I frequent a bakery that sells the Swedish treat called a semla. No one who works there speaks Swedish, so when I ask for ”two semlor” (pl.), they repeat it right back to me ”two semlas”. Sigh. They have a very finite number of foreign language menu items—they can learn the plurals. (Don’t get me wrong, if ”semlas” is the price of semlor I don’t have to make, I am willing to pay it, but boy does it annoy me.)
joined 2 years ago
And that is exactly how I ended up never watching Game of Thrones.
These things fall into two categories—stuff that you buy because the quality is unquestionably higher than alternatives, and stuff that may or may not be a little bit better than alternatives but that you have strong, minimally-rational feelings about.
I find the second category more fun to talk about, so I offer up the fact that this is a C&H [sugar, US based] house. Once my wife brought home some other sugar, and I complained until the bag was gone.
I’m neither a writer nor a scientist, but there’s a copy of this on my bookshelf and I wish I could lend it to you: Deadly Doses: The Writer’s Guide to Poisons
I take back my post, THIS is my hill to die on. Please note that it applies to any mixed use path where one type of traffic is markedly slower, so pedestrians on the road, obviously, but also walkers on bike paths.