Nintendo's got a pretty good track record.
Yes, my complaint was specifically about not being able to combine modifiers. You could set alt-o, you could set ctrl-o, you could not set ctrl-alt-o.
As for floating panes, you can create them and they appear in a layer over top of the rest of the Zellij display, but if you change focus back to the regular layer, the floating pane disappears and is hard to find.
I think that plays into his point about good storytelling.
It's not that comic book movies are inherently bad, it's that they tend to rely on their format instead of being good in their own right.
Nice. That was my major complaint. My only complaint, really, that plus not being able to lock floating windows on top.
Although I would have thought stacking key modifiers would have been easier. Stick them all in Ctrl+Shift+Zellij key, but the last time I looked into it, I found some GitHub issue where they said that was nontrivial because of the tools they were using.
It makes sense that Bilbo would run a homeserver.
Just do what I do and consistently forget to set up DDNS and also be bad at noticing when your ISP juggles your IP address.
Then .device and .boot and .home and .gov and
Then .timer. Then .mount. Then .automount. Then .socket.
I love the Amelie sound track. I'd put it on repeat while programming.
ah yes
Same. I've got multiple 8bitdo products and I was still considering one, but no rumble is just weird.