There were apparently some schools that had cat litter around because children can't go to toilets during school shooting lockdowns, which is terrible in its own way.
From a what?
Kom til at binge watche Star Trek Picard i weekenden. God underholdning men kan jo ikke rigtigt sammenlignes med TNG serien.
Har nøjagtigt samme oplevelse med det spil. Nogle gange hjælper det at sætte et mål, så det hele ikke bare bliver træls til sidst.
My mom suggested it. I thought it was the most stupid name suggestion so far, but smiled and nodded because I was happy that we were having a genuine talk about my transition without the negativity that we would often end up with.
After a few months I realized that I kinda love it and, as you say, nothing really clicked the same way. It's been about 2 years since I legally changed it and I still get a warm feeling when people use it :)
Also, nothing weird about the name Eva! If it feels weird to tell people how you came up with it, you are allowed to not mention that the idea came from a TV show.
Der burde være en knap til det lige over søgeresultaterne :)
Alle andre end Coop har api'er som kan vise produkt data uden at man opretter en bruger. Der er vigtigt ift. det juridiske i at scrape en virksomheds data, så har ignoreret dem. De er blevet spurgt men det virker ikke som at de er interesserede i at dele, desværre.
Does anyone know if something like this exist in the EU? Importing stuff from the US can get expensive.
Og hvor det før kun var halvdelen, som lyttede videre til andet indhold i DR LYD, er det i dag tre af fire, som kommer bredere rundt i vores omfangsrige public service-katalog.
Er der en måde at få drlyd til at lade være med at spille random episoder efter at man er færdig med det men selv satte på? Er en af de ting som gør mig mest irriteret når jeg bruger deres app...
Went to local lgbt groups trans meeting for the first time. Was pretty cool, but crap i'm not used to that level of socializing.
I also got angry enough at my doctor prescribing hrt to look for alternatives. Feels empowering in a way that it shouldn't do.
There's cis men who do Lazer hair removal, but depending on your body it's not as effective as others t suppressed.
Username doesn't check out?