For free? In this economy? That's just like financially irresponsibe
r/unixsocks on fediverse
About r/unixsocks on fediverse:
Unixporn + ThighHighs
1.Thigh high socks
All non-meme pictures must contain a human wearing thigh high socks.
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looking cute there Sister. I like how your Linux Mint neofetch is trans as well.
It's hyfetch, not neofetch. With hyfetch you can set pride colors, it even ask you what colors you want when you first use it.
Oh nice. Gonna install hyfetch :)
🫵 give link (pls, they're so cute I waaaaant)
These are knee highs but if you are tall they will be mid-calf highs (which they are for me). I don't think they have trans socks in other sizes as far as I am aware, however they do feel high quality.
Thank u thank u!!!
If you're looking for pride socks that go higher, I recommend Sock Dreams. I'm fairly tall and everything I've gotten from here came up to my thigh. It's a bit pricey, but so worth it
Does anyone know if something like this exist in the EU? Importing stuff from the US can get expensive.
Tysm for the recommendation! I've been looking for quality socks like that for a while now.
Ofc lol, all of my friends and I love them so much ^^
off topic: why tf are they offering a payment plan?
I know times are hard and people do be broke, but US$3 a month for four months?
That's wack
They probably just have a deal with the financing provider to show that on all products as a payment option.
Yeah fair point, never even considered that so thank you!
Love the color trans pride!!!