It can, it just isn't going to be as good. Fortunately for the EU, most of that intelligence was only useful for soft power covert diplomacy, which Trump has thrown into the garbage.
Every accusation is an admission, all the ruckus about Hunter Biden and Ukraine now turned into crickets.
"Turns out we didn't even need to invade Taiwan LOL", but in Chinese
One is a leader defending their country against an invasion. The other is a leader threatening several other countries with tariffs and the slight threat of invasion. It's clear who wants peace, those people are just in a cult whose capacity for logical leaps will never stop until the whole cult is history.
The Internet is living on borrowed time.
School taught me that writers and artists had pen names for a reason, and reality has persistently shown that nothing has changed in that regard. If anything, it has become even more of a prerequisite.
Trump is probably happy these particular people were killed. They were probably the same sort of journalists he's banning from press conferences.
That's what reddit is now, a place for people to vent, and have them cattled up if they become too much of a nuisance.
I suddenly have an urge to upvote banned content. Talk about being insecure. That post was soon followed up by another of the "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" sort.
Ah, yes, their new thoughtcrimes initiative. Would be far more ok with this if there was any sort of transparency on reddit. At the very least, it would make it clear what it is they are trying to suppress. It's still funny to me how many people here seem to hate transparency.
Where do you pull these strawmen? When and where was this happening? Gotta love lemmy and the dedicated propaganda campaign to join with MAGA to make anything and everything Trump is now doing the fault of the democrats. The good ol' Russian pincer, attack from both sides to prop up the party you want and make those uninterested in the party you don't want.
"Transgenic sounds pretty close to transgender, and our base is full of idiots - what if we say they are transgender mice and then do that thing where we double down and laugh at the replies of our critics to get more publicity because all our base cares about is the mob mentality of joining in on the circlejerk of acting better than them even though there's no substance to back it up?"