Oh no doubt, Steam Link is super easy to use. Once quality catches up it seriously might become the Stream Deck by default at home.
Can’t believe they added boob guns, heck of an update read the patch notes
Does Sunshine/Moonlight still blow Steam Remote Play out of the water or does this bring them up to par?
^^ It’s me, he’s talking about me and my tribe of people!
Keep on not spending money in cars gang, let’s get them prices down!
“No sir, I mean when we started our German shower company I know we had a mission to make the world a cleaner place, but if all of our competitors are building gas chambers for the government should we really miss out on that? Don’t we have an obligation to our shareholders?”
Doesn’t China already have a killer dog prototype?
Well you sound like someone who’s completely out of touch with reality so I figured your must literally be in the most dire of straits, suffering more than the rest of humanity because milk costs a buck more than it did in the 2000’s
Humanity is hurting worldwide, there is a major war taking place in two areas of the globe following a global pandemic. Seas are going to be choppy for a bit. But you have it better than everyone else. The situation is literally the best it can be right now.
And make the most of it, you have a tremendous advantage. A historic low unemployment rate, highest wage growth and demand for blue collar workers ever. If you’re not in a great situation, remember you’re a free agent always and the market has never been hotter for you.
And I pointed out that wages actually did go up, moreso than any other country on the planet. Then pointed out that inflation has been the lowest of any country as well! And cited it! Yet that is not good enough. No one has had it easier than Americans following the pandemic.
Your feelings are not matching up with reality. Your situation might suck, idk but the overall situation is comparatively better than everywhere else.
…gimme the news, I’ve got a bad case of luuuuuvin you!
Which party or both parties?