Not sure how it's biased, the piece about the 1.3bn was within the first five results that came up when I searched them. To be fair, I didn't dig as deep as you did to find that that deal didn't go through. Thanks for the correction, I didn't know that. The gov-can website itself still has details about the deal, not sure why they wouldn't have removed it if it didn't happen. For context this is the article on I was referring to (I wasn't trying to be shady and I don't appreciate being accused of that).
I don't have a horse in this race. I personally don't give a fuck about how the north gets connected per se as long as billions of public money isn't wasted. Again, imo clean water infra is probably a lot more important in the long run for the people in the north considering there is already at least one viable service to connect to the internet with. I can't quite wrap my head around why Telesat hasn't left the "testing phase" in 6+ years. Your added context here makes me even more wary given the details about the company that would actually be manufacturing the LEO sats (and obviously... haven't done so yet. Why is that?).
We all know why canadian cell and internet prices are among the highest in the world. It's because our entire population is less than that which occupies the lower third of california. It costs a lot to build infrastructure to provide comms tech for each person per capita on this scale considering 95+ percent of our population lives along the US border. My point is that Starlink already has the infra in the northern sky, mostly because they have a pretty sizeable market in Alaska and the knock-off effect is there are already LEO sats within range of providing lots of northern canadian residents that same service. The rhetoric about national security is laughable given anyone with a debit card anywhere in the country can already order Starlink and have it delivered within the week. If you're gonna go down that rabbit hole, let's ban it across the country in favor of a domestic solution that might be available in another decade at the current rate of development. While we're at it, let's make it so that those fly-in communities in the north are only allowed to get food and supply deliveries on canadian-made airplanes and boats.
It all starts to break down when you think about it. This isn't a political thing for me, it's practical. I'm not a huge fan of government in any form (read my comment history). But since we're all participating in this fucking shitshow let's look at the facts and spend our collective tax money wisely. If that 2.2bn is actually going to mean most people in the north get cheap or free internet within the next decade I'd love to see it. Meanwhile, unfortunately, Starlink is already in place and working for that purpose. That's just a fact, whether anyone likes Elon Musk or not. I fuckin don't.
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