Impressive how people misunderstand this stuff. You don't open a research lab for technology transfer, kinda the opposite. This is Apple saying they don't see the USA as the best place to do research. The tech is already transferred
What's yours? This whole "pirates are also buyers" is just a cop-out, but sure your anecdotic experience is valid proof against the more logical alternative
This article just reminded me to cancel my DB ticket, so they didn't get everything wrong I guess
White people moving across the world, imposing their language and culture, is a "cultural mixing pot" ? Did you play a uno reverse card lol
Can't you read or do you just want to be right?
Right, because D-Day and Vietnam showed clearly that USA politicians never act against what the popular opinion dictates
That's... Exactly why they would be anti union?
I'd say the opposite. Usually you barely get the requirements.txt, when you do you're missing the versions (including for python itself), and then only must you find out The versions of cuda and cuda driver
Living in the street isn't that bad anyway
What? This is exactly what Orwell wrote about
Euh tu as mal compris le commentaire auquel tu réponds, l'argent dont il est question est celui justement dépensé par les actionnaires.
Si cet argent partait en investissements on pourrait justifier de privatiser quelque chose comme la FDJ, qui n'est pas vraiment un domaine crucial à mon sens (mais on peut débattre de l'intérêt de privatiser le peu de services bénéficiaires de l'État). Mais si c'est pour financer les retraites des boomers pour les garder dans la poche aux prochaines élections, merci Macron.