
joined 1 year ago
[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Once the phone runs out of battery, send it to warranty repair

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Seeders get leeches

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

I rarely use earbuds but when I do, I always use wired ones. That's why when I am buying a new phone, first priority is head phone jack. My current earbuds are some 20€ Sony ones and they do the job when I have to listen something in public.

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Thanks! It's a fine balance and overdoing it results garbled mess or entirely corrupted file. Every file format acts differently so there's lot of trial and error.

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Thank you! It's fun to draw all sorts of lines of action with tails. Mainly just the head, tail shape and streamline body are remnants of the aquatic ancestors. After I posted this, I came up with more detailed explanation of the evolutionary lineage https://pastebin.com/3v1RSEh2

I just liked the idea of starting as a semi-aquatic to explain some of the reptilian features, and later found out it is speculated that semi-aquatic otter or shrew like creatures could have survived K-Pg extinction event (the big asteroid impact). That's where I decided that this species would have branched off 100-70 million years ago.

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago
[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago (10 children)

One more reason to subscribe to float plane


I made this blender render quite a while ago for a drawing reference.

I generated multiple frames with large pixel grain, applied few color curve filters every few frame in krita.

Made those frames into a mp4 and xor:ed random bytes of the binary file using a c++ program.

Few clean up cuts in openshot-qt and made it into a gif with ffmpeg

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Earliest concept art dates to 2017 when I first had idea creating a species that is mix of canines and reptiles:

Experimenting mixing feathers, scales and fur (feral): https://i.imgur.com/Flqx4IC.png

Funky gliding creature (feral): https://i.imgur.com/VTuVRM7.png

Discarded character (anthro): https://i.imgur.com/wm9hNbf.png

My sona Tiena today (anthro): https://www.deviantart.com/caecuss/art/TienaRef30Mar21-Shaded-874812976

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Edit: I made the original art 2021: https://www.deviantart.com/caecuss/art/Tiena-Feral-876502282 I mostly wanted to share the species description that I just came up with. The art is visual aid but there will likely be some changes.

Few people have asked what my sona Tiena species is. I've said it's a furred dragon because he shares some similarities with them but I finally decided to make basically a wiki page of feral version of my sona. I came into conclusion that my sona doesn't share any similarities with wingless dragons in mythology. Biggest inspirations have been Komodo dragons and Maned wolves, hence the name Maned Dragon even though it is a misnomer.

I have absolutely no background in taxonomy, biology or scientific classification. I just spend several hours of googling animal facts and learned with the help of chat gpt, but all of the text above is hand written. But it may need an other rewrite to make it more readable. This species is open for anyone and you are free to make variants. But I will differentiate canon and non-canon features. There will be guide-lines about allotropes, e.g. coloration can be almost anything if the environment is exotic enough.

**Lacertocyon plumocrista** (feather crested lizard dog), also known as Feather Maned Dragon or simply Maned Dragon.
Despite the name and similarities, L. plumocrista isn't directly related to nowadays reptiles or canids, but it shares similar traits. 

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Lacertotheriidae
Genus: Lacertocyon
Species: plumocrista

Average size: 100 cm at withers, weight 45 kg
Speed: Up to 50 km/h in short sprint

Warm-blooded, Mammal, Predator, Omnivore, Venomous

Whole body covered in thin fur. 
Feathered mane reaches from head down to end of the tail. The mane can puff up to appear bigger when threatened.
Long ears with tufts at the end. 
Depending on the environment, color can vary between yellows, browns, and greens. Light countershading.
Canine like teeth. 
Whiskers as wide as the body front profile.
Five 3-segmented fingers and four 2-segmented toes, which are closer to reptilian hands than canid. 
Head is similar reptiles like Komodo dragons and lack rhinarium, but smell receptors are still located in nasal cavity.
L. plumocrista has long digitigrade legs to be able to see in tall foliage. Making their run look similar to Maned Wolves.

Diurnal. Doesn't have great dark vision, as trichromatic color vision is more advantageous in foraging.
Habitat is dry tropical forest and semiarid desert. Ideal temperature when the species is active is around 10-25C.
Solitary hunters during the day, but they may have overlapping territories. Despite this, they are rarely aggressive against others of the same species unless food is scarce.
Hunts prey usually not bigger than 60 kg.
Omnivorous. Often forages and eats various vegetable matter.
When food is very scarce, it can resort to scavenging, and its stomach acid is strong enough to digest bones.
Communicate via howls and barks or roars similar to Maned wolves.

Sexual organs are similar to some aquatic mammals. The males don't have external testis, and both males and females have a genital slit.
During mating and nursing litter, the pair may share territory.
Gives live birth to a litter of size 2 to 6, which is nursed by the female and sometimes by both parents.
Very little sexual dimorphism.

Has venom glands in the lower jaw. Some of the bottom teeth have grooves for the venom.
Venom is useful if the prey is too big to be disabled quickly as a threat by just teeth and claws. 
If the prey becomes troublesome to kill, L. plumocrista may stalk the prey until the venom takes effect.
The venom may also be used in defense, as it induces intense pain to repel the attacker.

Venom effects and potential analogs
Intense pain: Bradykinin, Capsaicin
Muscle paralysis: Alpha-latrotoxin, Maurotoxin, Tetrodotoxin
Venom spread promoters: Phospholipases, Metalloproteinases, Vasodilator

Fictional lineage would have needed to diverge far in the past if this species had evolved on earth, as it has such an unusual mix of traits.
Amniota -> Therapsida (279.5 mya) -> Cynodontia (259 mya) -> Eutheria (145 mya) ->  ... -> Lacertotheriidae

L. plumocrista evolved from a semiaquatic mammal more akin to crocodiles in their hunting habits.

Edit: formatting new lines. Newlines never work in forums properly

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 21 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

this took me a while but after converting to ascii in hex I get it

"())(" = 40 41 41 40

"()()" = 40 41 40 41

As long your strings aren't null terminated


Clip from Stand-up Maths video https://youtu.be/pgyI8aPctaI?t=75


This was a VRChat avatar commission and to showcase it I made this render.

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

serebii.net/attackdex-swsh/pound Pound does have 35 pp and it's just 40 power. With acid armor it sure could tank many of those.


I tested the claim of Vaporeon's impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take pounding, all day and still not faint.

I wasn't planning to use Vaporeon against water types because I have Raichu and Vaporeon doesn't have any physical attacks learned. Thankfully Vappy got lucky freeze after tanking a crit.

This is my first time playing Pokemon blue in +10 years. Some months ago I played through Gen 2 the first time and because I never had tried Eeveelutions before so I caught/bred them all in silver.

Because I found Vaporeon's move set fun to play in silver it was my carry in gen 3 and now in gen 1. Espeon is good as well because of the psychic type. I swear it's not ~~only~~ because of the memes!

Full elite 4 fight https://youtu.be/8igSeN9_V_A

[–] Kaelygon@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I later figured that pkill -9 -f "\.exe" works if wineserver -k doesn't. And that killing wineserver by calling killall wineserver is bad

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Kaelygon@lemmy.world to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml

edit: fixed thumbnail


I was impatient waiting the crops to grow, so I recorded this clip of the contraption.

There's space for 20 rows of pumpkins and each row is 87 blocks which that adds up to 1740 when fully grown


1-2 years ago I started a play through where I can't update to next version until I have collected all obtainable items. I used prism launcher to do this. Later I added few exceptions such as potion, enchanted book, arrows and firework permutations, that I only need to obtain only one of them if they have different item ID.

Full list of items and exceptions: https://pastebin.com/UivnM8TR

Statistics or prism launcher isn't quite accurate, but my 2hz redstone clock says 0x2F5D00 = 430 hours, which I made in beta 1.7 around day 400 and it has been running since. According to the pastebin notes I finished beta 1.7 at 83hr 42min playtime and combined 510 hours sounds about right. I rarely sleep in game because I'm underground.

I posted the updated redstone clock here at lemmy some time ago.


I started a third play through first time in +1 year and I found out that you can have many simultaneous fauna culling and destroy sentinel missions. I'm not sure what's the mission limit, but it's at least 70.

I jumped dozens of systems while traveling to Eissentam galaxy center and accepted any such missions, then I only had to kill 15 fauna, 2 predators and few waves of sentinels no matter how many missions I had accepted.Most missions such as pirate destroying, delivery, scan etc missions are location dependent so they can't be completed simultaneously.

I shat myself at 1:15 when all of the mission completion sounds played at the same time very loudly.


This is my long term survival map where I get every obtainable item (with few exceptions) in a version before updating to next version. This used to be piston flip flops, but they proved to be incredibly unreliable in few versions, so I opted for comparators and it hasn't required maintenance since.

In the video it is displaying 301503 which is about 42 hours. My flip flop design

The principle is simple, 32 flip flops chained up which counts up in binary 2 times in second. The display is little endian and split to 4 bits so I can more easily convert it to hexadecimal in my head. I use the time stamps as journal entries. But making compact redstone and routing bits to displays complicates everything. The chunks should always be loaded as this is near spawn and I am using hoppers to extend loaded chunks.

The timer is still running at 1.20 displaying 28BEB0 which is about 371 hours. I have made minor changes since and it has reset and the bits can be adjusted manually.


Hello, I am new to the site and I am wondering if I am doing something wrong or if this is a browser limitation. Linking images to posts seem to work fine, but this is not an option for avatar icons

I am getting strange JSON errors whenever I attempt to upload or paste images either in posts or at profile settings "Browse..."

I am not too familiar debugging/logging browsers, but here's some logs I found from both Firefox and Chromium

OS: Arch Linux 6.4.7 Browsers: Mozilla Firefox 116.0, Chromium 115.0.5790.110-1

Error attempting to upload avatar icon: Firefox

[HTTP/2 403 Forbidden 22ms]

pictrs upload: client.js:2:1776534
Object { state: "failed", msg: SyntaxError }
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data client.js:2:1776766
    handleImageUpload https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    (Async: promise callback)
    handleImageUpload https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    n https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
DEPRECATION NOTICE: "backgroundColor" is being deprecated. Please use the "style.background" property. client.js:2:509245


client.js:2     POST https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image 403
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
x @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
u @ client.js:2
uploadImage @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
p @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
e @ client.js:2
s @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
o.handleImageUpload @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
client.js:2 pictrs upload:
client.js:2 {state: 'failed', msg: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', ")}
client.js:2 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', ")
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
Promise.then (async)
o.handleImageUpload @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
client.js:2 DEPRECATION NOTICE: "backgroundColor" is being deprecated. Please use the "style.background" property.
buildToast @ client.js:2
showToast @ client.js:2
Xe @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
Promise.then (async)
o.handleImageUpload @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2

Error attempting to upload image in post by clicking "upload image" Mozilla

[HTTP/2 403 Forbidden 26ms]

pictrs upload: client.js:2:1731897
Object { state: "failed", msg: SyntaxError }
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data client.js:2:1732538
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    p https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    C https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    w https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    s https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    (Async: promise callback)
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    s https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    t https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    t https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    uploadSingleImage https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    p https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    C https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    w https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    s https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    t https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    t https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    p https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    C https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    w https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    e https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    s https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    t https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    t https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    uploadImages https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    handleImageUpload https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
    n https://lemmy.world/static/fd8d452/js/client.js:2
DEPRECATION NOTICE: "backgroundColor" is being deprecated. Please use the "style.background" property. client.js:2:509245


client.js:2     POST https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image 403
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
x @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
u @ client.js:2
uploadImage @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
p @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
e @ client.js:2
s @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
Np @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
client.js:2 pictrs upload:
client.js:2 {state: 'failed', msg: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', ")}
client.js:2 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', ")
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
Promise.then (async)
Np @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
client.js:2 DEPRECATION NOTICE: "backgroundColor" is being deprecated. Please use the "style.background" property.
buildToast @ client.js:2
showToast @ client.js:2
Xe @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2
Promise.then (async)
Np @ client.js:2
(anonymous) @ client.js:2

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