I don’t imagine they thought that this would literally decimate their subscriber base.*
- ~yes I made the same joke twice in two different communities. It’s not often you get to use the literal definition of decimate.~
I don’t imagine they thought that this would literally decimate their subscriber base.*
Not even just that, if this decision had been made last January, this wouldn’t be news, but the fact that it was made in the last few days in the run up to the election means that no matter how altruistic their decision was, it’s gonna be viewed in the light of the current moment.
Their subscriber numbers have been absolutely decimated by Bezos’ decision.
Hand waving away a lot of the developmental process, you could make a male or female offspring from 2 males or a female offspring from 2 females that would be indistinguishable from the variety in the normal population.
They have become so obsessed with triggering people for reactions they eventually forgot what a joke actually is.
Gene Hackman is definitely still alive of the more prominent cast. There’s also some of the bit actors like the med school students that are still alive.
What the Flock is Flutter?
Uncertain beyond the attribution on the gif. I just searched walking tripod. The link above is the original source I got it from.
Computer engineers maybe. Don’t know too many civil engineers that deal with base 8.
Second degree‽
Those are rookie numbers. You gotta bump that up to third at least.
![https://media1.giphy.com/media/vO43NDjeQPaQo/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91dls2uphre6knaki1w9xgjsppo46n0b1wio6c2ssf&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g](Neil from “White Collar” loves it when we’re on the same page.)