
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

~~Is it really valid to call permalink() in that context, since it requires &self? There's no self in that context afaik. Can't test it now but it looks suspicious~~

EDIT: Invalid since the comment was updated

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Stopping your finger from bleeding by cutting off the entire arm is not a particularly good plan.

Sure, inflation is down, but the absolute condition for the average argentinian is not strictly speaking great.

It's clear that some form of change to stop the runaway inflation was needed, but this was not the way to go

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Good, and guaranteed to be rolled back once Trump takes office.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Sounds great! To clarify, each post detail screen has a 'comments on post-counter', what I noticed was that, when making a new comment on a post, this counter was not immediately updated to reflect the new post count, which should be at least (n +1) where n is the post count prior to submitting the new comment.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago

Layers - get a good base layer, merino wool is the gold standard for these. You also want to get a neck gaiter, plus some merino wool socks, and some kind of cap. These will keep you warm and dry throughout most cold weather. Add more layers on top when outside, and remember to remove layers proactively if you feel yourself starting to sweat - it's never a good idea to be wet in cold weather. The base layer will make physical exertion a pretty hot affair quite fast, so you'd be surprised how fast the sweat starts pouring.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

Gotta make use of that Force Majeure-clause

[–] 10 points 3 days ago

ITT: People who did not read the article and just shot from the hip

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

Oh fuck that rules

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

That policy obviously needs to die a horrible death.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Barring some technical breakthrough, I am inclined to agree.

We can and should build extensive high-speed rail networks, though. This will provide intra-continental mobility at a price affordable for everyone. While gratuitous trips to the other side of the world will no longer be feasible, fast intra-continental trips can in many cases take their place. Flying can remain a niche for when it's completely unavoidable, in which case we should be able to absorb the emissions.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Actual emissions taxing is basically a necessary step when it comes to air travel - currently, the fuel is completely tax free and that's not great. Take all of that money and pump it directly into rail, which is the actual way forward for intra-continental travel.

It will get more expensive and less accessible for lower income people. There's just really no way around that.

[–] 24 points 3 days ago (7 children)

Normally I will default to siding with workers, but I'm not siding with the pilots on this one. No way.


Dags för lite fängelsestraff kanske?


0,10%? Vad är det här för vek skit?


Är det bättre tider på g?


Vad tror ni blir beskedet nästa vecka?

Jag hade inte ens räknat med dubbelsänkning som en möjlighet, och jag lutar nog mot enkelsänkning, även om dubbel vore välkommet.


Inte super om regeringen har glädjeräknat här. Det verkade redan ganska saftigt från första början.


Context: I have a Chromecast with Google TV today that I'm quite happy with, after having heavily customized the thing. However, it's only 1080, and I recently got a 4k TV and would like to be able to get the full mileage out of it.

Now that Google are sunsetting the Chromecast series, is it a bad idea to pick up a 4k Chromecast, or should I just wait for the new device to drop? It seems a bit pricier and I'm not sure if there are any features I should necessarily wait for.

My use-case is basically watching YouTube/Nebula/Netflix/Jellyfin.


Hur rimlig är den här prislappen? Vad är alternativkostnaden? Vi pratar om en tredjedel av statsbudgeten, trots allt.


Glöm inte att söka ersättning om era flyg blir försenade eller inställda, är man lite envis så får man oftast pengar i slutändan.


Det här var ju bra. Förhoppningsvis ser vi många räntesänkningar under hösten.


Vad kan facken kontra med?


Jadu. Det ligger ju inte särskilt långt under ytan när det kommer till SD, men det tåls att repetera.

Märkvärdigt att de i huvud taget spelar låten givet det sammanhang den fått på senare tid.

Trist att högern försöker erövra den här låten också, jag har alltid gillat den.

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