I gave them my 45$ at the beginning and said call me when it's done.
That's fair, but no fun and still bug guts.
Yeah, I'm 33.
Only child, but my best friend growing up was 3 years older than me. Surprisingly, I'm 33.
Old farm houses don't really seal well enough to make that matter for me lol
How much salt do you think it shoots lol fr tho it's just a little for each shot
I watched a video that was saying that MOBAs killed rts games.
Y'all this sound crazy, but the Bug A Salt is fucking awesome.
It's worth it if you can get a black Friday deal or something under 30$ because it's just a little salt when you shoot it and there's no guts on your wall, no dirty fly swatter, no chasing, no jumping, no reaching, and you feel like a sniper hitman.
Its not a toy. That shit hurts when you get hit lol
What is rpms in Linux? I just lurk on /all so I see a ton of Linux stuff that I don't understand haha
Not sure, just realized this is a computer post lol
If you want mpg it's anywhere from 75 to 130mpg per tank of gas.
A Chevy volt. Turns out gm figured out that a PHEV is a great idea 12 years ago
If you use temu there is a knock off for 7$ us on there