
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Just in case this isn't a bit: OP, the structure in English should be "adjective noun." The opposite to most romantic languages where you say the noun then the description word. So a cat girl is a girl (assumed human) that can be described as a cat (has the traits of a cat). A girl cat is more reasonably a cat that is a girl, though you'd probably say "female cat" more often. For allergies you'd want to look into hypoallergenic cats like the hairless sphynx.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

Obviously it depends on the deck, but in general you want a large number of item cards and less pokemon and energy.

Item/trainer cards provide a lot of ways to draw/recycle and support your pokemon/energy and you'll likely want to see a bigger ratio of them in your opening hand. Especially since you're not going to go through too many more pokemon than you have prize cards and you can only have 1 active pokemon at a time with 6 total in play.

So the exact ratio depends on the deck and the pokemon you are trying to support, but essentially you shouldn't be running more the 15 pokemon and 15 energy on a high end. 12 pokemon is pretty standard. Most of the rest of your deck should be search and draw cards which there should be plenty of.

Disclaimer: I don't play this game.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago
[–] 3 points 11 months ago

I would increase the landmass on Earth such that the Earth itself was only 50% ocean. I would do so in a grand display of power utilizing some sort of ancient and supreme Titan, one that brings into undeniable question the foundation of all world religions and even evolution itself. Now having shown that I possess the power of a god. I would descend upon Israel and the surrounding lands and demand all of them migrate to one of the many new landmasses, so that I may reign in my new palace from a place of former conflict, symbolically showing that increasing the amount of landmass in the world helps end conflicts. Should any people resist, I shall simply displace them forcefully with a shower of Precipice Blades. The water displaced for the new land masses would be evaporated into the atmosphere, leaving behind a large amount of salt and eventually precipitating back down as fresh water. While in the atmosphere a large amount of the Earth would be covered in dense clouds cooling it and causing an Ice Age that staves off Global Warming, but creating harsh temporary conditions that the Israelites and Palestinians must learn to live and overcome together as they worship their new god... Me. Eventually power will corrupt me and I will grow tyrannical. Then the either binary son or daughter of an Israeli-Palestinian couple will stand up to me, capturing other beings of power to fight me in a grand battle, at the age of 10 uears old.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Wooo! Guanxi!

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thank goodness they're bringing in Mr Sanjome more. I really liked it when he did that one thing that one time some number of chapters ago.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Glad we're finally getting more of Mr Sanjome. He's been in a lot of chapters since the beginning, and did that one thing that one time, but it's good he's getting a more involved role now.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What she said was... Sweet? It's just getting more and more suspicious.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The Dragon, The Hero, and The Courier, and Mage and Demon Queen are two completely different series I'm currently reading among others. I hope somebody else out there enjoys at least one of them as much as I do.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The odds are atleast 3

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Like John Wick type of teleporting.


If you try to access a community on your local instance and it gives you a 404, this automatically takes you to your local instance's search instead and puts the community in for you.

Recommended to use with](local instance redirect script) by

I started using Tampermonkey today, so dunno if this works with GreaseMonkey, but I assume it does.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Lemmings Redirect
// @version      1.0
// @description  Redirect to your local Lemmy instance
// @author
// @match        https://*/c/*@*
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

var unknownLemmy =
  document.body.textContent === "404: couldnt_find_community";

if (unknownLemmy) {
    // Get URL info
    var splitUrl = location.href.split("/");
    var split2 = splitUrl[4].split("@");
    var instanceUrl = split2[1];
    var community = split2[0];
    var searchUrl =
        "https://" + splitUrl[2] + "/search/q/!" + community + "%40" + instanceUrl + "/type/All/sort/TopAll/listing_type/All/community_id/0/creator_id/0/page/1";

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