I am doing the Tedious challenge, collecting things from the collection log via its plugin. Current assignment is 5 uniques from Hard Clue scrolls, and my luck so far has been horrible. 2 times I got the clue scroll that needs a rune heraldic helm, which ironman can only get from hard clue scrolls... looking forward to it finishing.
In Dutch we have DROL, Dicht recht, open links. So close right, open left as a very strict translation. But DROL is also Dutch for turd.
Sadly it no longer is my field of work. Switched to IT when I couldnt find a job or phd in behavioural biology. Turned out I like IT quite a lot.
We have 1 more week of travel, visiting a rain forest at the east coast. Then back to Europe and to work.
Awesome! Thanks for the effort!
We dont mind that it eats the spiders here, they are huge and scary :p
We ended up at Madagascar because it was my long live dream. I studied biology and arranged a place for my thesis. However for my bachelor I heard I wasnt allowed to travel outside of Europe. And for my masters there wasn't anyone educated highly enough to supervise me.
So when we were brainstorming for our honeymoon, my now wife came with this idea. It has been an amazing trip so far, but also quite intense. A lot of travelling in a 4x4, long days and early rises. The people here are quite poor, and that makes the travel a bit conflicted. But my biologist heart is really happy. We have seen amazing animals and visited wonderful places.
It is the Dutch railway company, so no, I wouldnt expect you to know this as a foreigner.
But I am a little sad now I am not part of the lucky ones...
Heey, I dont have any questions, but wanted to let you know that your posts often make me stop and appreciate nature. Your enthusiasm is a blessing and make this one of my favorite subs. Thanks for the work! Keep posting <3
Supercool, thanks! Really like your write ups
I worked for the company that did their loyalty program, and then it was told to me that many mexicans don't trust the banks enough to go there, and prefer these "independent" shops as an alternative.
I recently started reading the whole series from the beginning, and I quite enjoy it, althoygh it is a bit slow. It is cool to see what the origins is for some of the most crucial villains in the series.
We were on vacation for a while, so mostly played smaller games such as splitter, qwixx, agropolis.
Since we got back we started with Aeons end future and past, where we had a really cool play to win the game. Everything just came together perfectly. We also received our kickstarter for Borderlands, and played 1 game of it. Really enjoy the gameplay, they managed to capture the BL soul really well :D
Wait this has been out for a while now, hasn't it? In the Netherlands we already could purchase it for 2 years now. Or am I missing something?
Normally in Democracy the majority or popular vote wins, however due to the electoral college America has, it doesnt necessarily mean the majority voted for the winner. This was the case for Bush, and some other moments in the past.