
joined 11 months ago
[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago (4 children)

And I heard you'll more likely die on your way to collect your win than actually win the lottery.

And I heard home is a very dangerous place, cos lots of people die because of it...or at it?

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't know why but these pictures remind me of AI generated (not saying they are)!

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This is wholesome ♥

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Care to clarify what is objectively bad? Like, an example

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

Well, obviously surviving is a bigger deal than one feeling...but, in some cases, having a feeling can lead to surviving something or succumbing to something.

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

I think Win10 already is everything what I need.

I have gotten a small feel of 11 from my girlfriend's laptop - it feels alright.

But I think I won't have reasons to upgrade. I haven't studied 11 at all so I don't even know am I missing something lol

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago

I think I'm gonna disagree with the fandom dying thing.

From a system's perspective - if it exist for a reason, for someone to use it, and then they stop using it and go away, leaving it alone without any use, I'd see that system being abandoned, lost, or dead.

Then again - someone can come back to it and turn it "alive" or active again!

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

When I don't find information through a search engine, I go asking it from people themselves.

Discord is an easy solution for me to find this information at that point. Much easier than generating yet another user account in a website I might use once in my life, while I already use discord a lot.
By the way - you can search for messages you have sent and for messages that were pointed directly to you. Makes delving into old conversations much easier.

Of course Telegram and other services like that can help too.

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 8 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Maybe the devs love keeping answering same questions over Discord? =D

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

I don't remember when I watched the telly at home previously. Most of my entertainment are games and then some YouTube and movies not so often (lurking in friend's online streaming services or googling "watch x for free").

Stopped watching the television when too many ads erupted even between the movies that were my last interest in this service.

Most of my telly shows I see nowadays are at a friend's place, and I'm every time annoyed about the amount of ads.

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 19 points 6 months ago (3 children)

I bought a cat game where you need to find and click 100 of them! They had cute noises and every single cat was named!

[–] Damaskox@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

I have over 300 wallpapers in my folder on the computer. I have told windows to change them every 10 minutes I recall. They are about games, friends, all sorts of characters, movies and horror at least.

My laptop has the default wallpaper - it has had it since from the beginning. My phone...I don't remember where I got it.


And how does it show?


I felt a strange urge to buy me some bugs and let them eat my plastic garbage after watching this video 😂

Someone commented that microplastics would still emerge during/after bugs have dealt with plastics.
Do we have any bug existing that could eliminate microplastics as well?


Can be extended to self-driving cars that need to "decide", who they rather run over.


"Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot."
"I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should Ever be Forgot!"

It is that time of the year again!


  • Can choose piece amount from many options (1K max)
  • Can choose background color
  • Has a few hotkeys to reset piece positions
  • Needs a working URL to be used as a custom picture
  • Does not have a points or ranking system (feels less competitious and more relaxed)

Sosped's Limitless Gaming (Digipelirajaton) is a nationwide action that tackels problematic gaming in Finland.

I hail from the very first trained batch of volunteers, starting from 2018. I have been in a few action-based peer support groups (bootcamps), given one or two interviews to the radio and a news article, giving information about stuff to social (and other) workers and many more things.


Olen vuoden kahden sisään alkanut boikotoimaan erinäisiä (tuote)yhtiöitä eettisistä syistä.

Aloitin Fazerin boikotoinnin kuukausia sitten kun aloin epäillä, oliko heillä näppinsä Nestlén maailmassa.
Nyt rupesin kuitenkin katsomaan lisää, että onko ne oikeasti yhteistöissä.


Kuvakaappaus Wikipediasta


Elämää Nestléllä: Fazer uutuusjäätelöiden matka ideasta some-ilmiöksi
Omarista, Fazerista ja Nestléstä maininta myös Mättömestarissa.


Kuulin puhetta, että tämä yhteistyö kantautuisi yleisesti Fazerin (muihinkin) jäätelöihin.

Mitäs mieltä tästä pitäisi olla?
Boikotoisinko pelkästään jäätelöt ja aloittaisin taas muitten Fazer-tuotteiden ostelun, vai unohdanko vaan Fazerin, koska se on ylipäätään tekemisissä Nestlén kanssa?


I am skeptical that MAMA is using certificated palm oil.


As seen in nuudelit.fi


As seen in a 2021 report (but I think it's MAMA's own report, so can it be trusted?)


What do you guys think or find?

I enjoy their noodles a lot but I might have to add this to my list of boycotts if I cannot find (enough/correct) evidents...

  • Call Bloody Mary. Needs a mirror, speech and turning around (maybe a candle as well)
  • Face a mirror. Dim the lights enough. Stare at yourself (or your buddy). The lack of lighting hides some face features and your imagination tries to add in
  • Check out this painting. It is said that it is haunted.
  • A short animation of a girl that goes inside a creepy doll shop

(continued) If you decide not to participate, it will somehow backfire on you.

New line? (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Damaskox@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

After almost one month of using Lemmy I finally realised the first way to make a new line.

So far I have been

writing some text

in this space-taking way.

Now I know that through
adding the symbol \
after text you wrote
you can make a new line.

Are there any easier ways though? Hitting Enter once doesn't work for some reason.

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