
joined 2 years ago
[–] 15 points 1 month ago (2 children)

In sweden we have a statue of an old lady using her handbag as a weapon

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Those sound like normal things. At least where I live it’s considered weird not to drink alcohol and not having sex.
What do you consider obscene movies?


Simon is orange, and Smilla is blackish.
They were adopted at a cat rescue a couple of years ago when they were around 1 year old. They might be real siblings as they were found together as tiny kittens at a cat colony.


Reposted from:

Haircare, skin routines, makeup, and a little bit of health that are aimed to be on the simple side.
It can be but is not limited to;

  • fewer ingredients
  • less intrusive and more gentle ingredients
  • food or non/lightly processed products
  • nopoo / lowpoo
  • ‘no makeup’ makeup
  • homemade products

This community is intended for anyone and I will do my best to keep the official stuff genderneutral or include multiple genders as much as I can. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful.


[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I've been told multiple times things like:

  • if there is a tiny misspelling or wrong grammar it would look like I don't care for the job.
  • the employee knows if the letter is unique, they know by how it's written.
  • the application must stand out from the crowd, nearly everyone looks identical and uninteresting.

Side note: For a while, I had a red panda drawn on my cv in a desperate attempt to be unique, I was quite proud and everyone said it was good. A few years later I think it's ugly af and I even feel a bit of shame for using it. It feels like everyone lied about it looking good.

I hope the second one will calm down as I get used to being in this system and I know how it will be. I'm having a "start-up" meeting next week.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I think it's about how perfect and unique each application has to be. But there is only so much variation I can make.
I also think it's about the bureaucracy itself, if something goes wrong I should have known. Always. because we don't have civil service liability (as I understand it).
It's like this whole thing gives me anxiety.


Hey everyone,
I [28F] need some advice on handling anxiety when job hunting.

Almost a week ago I finished school and I'm once again without work. I've been job hunting about 40-50% of my adult life and it has taken a huge toll on my mental health to the point where I'm barely able to apply for jobs anymore. I have gotten a few warnings over the years due to not applying to enough jobs. ( I live in Sweden btw )

I have tried taking breaks.
I have tried waiting for the anxiety to pass.
I have asked so many for advice but it's like they all give the same default answer. If their advice where enough, I would be a pro at job hunting.

I did get an autism diagnosis a few years back and I do feel better about myself, more confident and understanding of how I work so I think this time around will be different, but it's like the old anxiety still hangs around and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Please if you have any advice, I'd love to hear it.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

But that are two different things, are they not?