I had pizza with dates and a vinaigrette on it. It was pretty good.
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My brother requested sweet Italian sausage and plum. My mom requested pear and gorgonzola.
I couldn't make up my mind between the two.
I am loving this overnight crust recipe. This time I used white whole wheat for 25% of the flour and couldn't tell the difference.
Pear and gorgonzola sounds phenomenal. Your mom has great taste.
Can’t quite get behind the plums.
Good job with the experimenting! It’s one of the best parts of cooking.
Thinly sliced pear, prosciutto, and balsamic reduction at the end. Maybe some sharper cheese with it. Top with some basil.
Kicks ass if you can get the pizza fire roasted.
That sounds incredible.
Don't skimp on the letters: use the full amount.
Pizzs doesn't sound that bad tbh
A is for anchovies, and that's the only topping I can't get behind.
I think peppers are teeeeechnically fruit?
Tomatoes and olives too
It sounds dubious but looks delicious.
Can confirm, it definitely was.
If it tastes good, I don't care what it is.
I can't believe someone downvoted this, because I 100% agree.
What fruit is that? Strawberry? (Edit: ooo plum. That's also good warm, imo)
Other than dessert pizza, the only fruit I commonly used on one is pineapple. But mango is hella good when hot so maybe a mango pizza wouldn't be bad.
I feel like strawberry pepperoni would be dope
Pineapple is great, obviously.
But apples are also a solid pick for a burst of sweet and sharp. Go with one of the varieties more typically used in baking if you want it sharper rather than sweeter.
Decent sized chunks work, but you can matchstick instead, just be aware that it might over cook if you don't pay attention.
It's extra good with bacon
I have made peach / basil pizzas before. Pretty good.