Vintage Recipes - Archiving nostalgic recipes from cookbooks, handwritten notes, advertisements, etc
A community for sharing favorite vintage and nostalgic recipes from years past. The goal of this community is to preserve our favorite dishes and share them with the world so that they don't go extinct just because they're not in the culinary zeitgeist.
Please tag your recipe titles with [RECIPE]. Be sure to include the dish name and it’s creator (person or business) in the title for easier searching. Please include the date the recipe was published, if possible.
Sharing a video? Tag it with [VIDEO].
All requests should be tagged with [REQUEST]. Before you post, make sure someone hasn’t already requested the same recipe!
No recipe blog spam! You can link to a personal blog in the comments, but please include the recipe itself in your post. Any post URLs should point to the actual recipe (website, image host, etc.) and not just serve as an advertisement to drive up clicks for your site.
We here in Vintage Recipes believe that information should be freely available. We learn by observing and analyzing what has come before. We do not believe in secrets, and we do not believe that old methods should be forgotten.
Step 3: lace the mixture with amphetamines
The face when you modify the recipe
"Mmm that's good mate what was the recipes name again, rice crispy treats?"
"Nah mate its called the trippa snippa"
"Uhh why is it called the trippa snippa"
"Cause it trips you the fuck out and your whole life gets snipped from reality. Plus you hear a whipper snipper in the back of your head for like 70 hours or so"
4x UPSCALE! WHY? rice Krispy treats, that's why
Known by foodsnobs everywhere as ufami.
These things are my weakness. If they are at a party, I'ma end up eating them all.
Seriously! I love them.
I still haven't forgiven Kelloggs's. Probably never will.
About which thing? Trying to know if it's what I'm thinking about, or if this is a elaborate Fallout 4 joke.
About replacing 1,400 workers who have been on strike in 2021.
Lurch went to a retreat on Kellog's farm and was given an unexpected yogurt enema.
lol, maybe i'm into that
What is cocoanut?
Coconut? Cocoa + nut?
According to Google Ngrams, before about World War I, "cocoanut" was the more-common form.
Don't forget to try them with nut meats
Easy to make at home, just beat your meat till you nut.
Thrills! Chills! Spills! No fresh fruit!