Manned space exploration gets set back by decades as overly cautious medical advisors try to figure out the cause of hair loss in astronauts.
The Monkey's Paw
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Hair loss, eh.
Macular degeneration on the other hand :(
Every living creature, from the smallest protists to large elephants, grows lush facial hair. Creatures spend a large part of their days trying to trim it down only for it to grow again.
Since hair takes 1-2 years to decompose, discarded hair continues to build up. Some of it is burned, but that leads to other issues
Sounds like it could be a good carbon capture strategy. Just need to turn it into biochar so it lasts a couple thousand years instead of a couple years.
Please don't, I don't want facial hair
I don't make the rules, ma'am
Granted. Everyone on Earth now owns a Lovesense Lush which grows hair on its face.
Way ahead of you buddy.
- the paw
Everyone becomes dwarves and are forced to live underground
Everyone's lush facial hair also grows 30x faster than normal