Devils advocate, not my actual opinion; if you can make a Thing that people will pay to use, easily and without domain specific knowledge, why would you not? It may hit issues at some point but by them you’ve already got ARR and might be able to sell it.
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Was listening to my go-to podcast during morning walkies with my dog. They brought up an example where some couple was using ShatGPT as a couple's therapist, and what a great idea that was. Talking about how one of the podcasters has more of a friend like relationship to "their" GPT.
I usually find this podcast quite entertaining, but this just got me depressed.
ChatGPT is by the same company that stole Scarlett Johansson's voice. The same vein of companies that thinks it's perfectly okay to pirate 81 terabytes of books, despite definitely being able to afford paying the authors. I don't see a reality where it's ethical or indicative of good judgement to trust a product from any of these companies with information.
I agree with you, but I do wish a lot of conservatives used chatGPT or other AI's more. It, at the very least, will tell them all the batshit stuff they believe is wrong and clear up a lot of the blatant misinformation. With time, will more batshit AI's be released to reinforce their current ideas? Yea. But ChatGPT is trained on enough (granted, stolen) data that it isn't prone to retelling the conspiracy theories. Sure, it will lie to you and make shit up when you get into niche technical subjects, or ask it to do basic counting, but it certainly wouldn't say Ukraine started the war.
It will even agree that AIs shouldn't controlled by oligarchic tech monopolies and should instead be distributed freely and fairly for the public good, but the international system of nation states competing against each other militarily and economically prevents this. But maybe it will agree to the opposite of that too, I didn't try asking.
AI can be incredibly useful, but you still need someone with the expertise to verify its output.
I took a web dev boot camp. If I were to use AI I would use it as a tool and not the motherfucking builder! AI gets even basic math equations wrong!
Can't expect predictive text to be able to do math. You can get it to use a programming language to do it tho. If you ask it in a programmatic way it'll generate and run it's own code. Only way I got it to count the amount of r's in strawrbrerry.
That is the future of AI written code: Broken beyond comprehension.
Ooh is that job security I hear????
This feels like the modern version of those people who gave out the numbers on their credit cards back in the 2000s and would freak out when their bank accounts got drained.
Holy crap, it’s real!
I hope this is satire 😭
Yes, yes there are weird people out there. That's the whole point of having humans able to understand the code be able to correct it.
Chatgpt make this code secure against weird people trying to crash and exploit it ot
beep boop
fixed 3 bugs
added 2 known vulnerabilities
added 3 race conditions
boop beeb
Roger Roger
Hilarious and true.
last week some new up and coming coder was showing me their tons and tons of sites made with the help of chatGPT. They all look great on the front end. So I tried to use one. Error. Tried to use another. Error. Mentioned the errors and they brushed it off. I am 99% sure they do not have the coding experience to fix the errors. I politely disconnected from them at that point.
What's worse is when a noncoder asks me, a coder, to look over and fix their ai generated code. My response is "no, but if you set aside an hour I will teach you how HTML works so you can fix it yourself." Never has one of these kids asking ai to code things accepted which, to me, means they aren't worth my time. Don't let them use you like that. You aren't another tool they can combine with ai to generate things correctly without having to learn things themselves.
Coder? You havent been to university right?
100% this. I've gotten to where when people try and rope me into their new million dollar app idea I tell them that there are fantastic resources online to teach yourself to do everything they need. I offer to help them find those resources and even help when they get stuck. I've probably done this dozens of times by now. No bites yet. All those millions wasted...
I've been a professional full stack dev for 15 years and dabbled for years before that - I can absolutely code and know what I'm doing (and have used cursor and just deleted most of what it made for me when I let it run)
But my frontends have never looked better.
Ha, you fools still pay for doors and locks? My house is now 100% done with fake locks and doors, they are so much lighter and easier to install.
Wait! why am I always getting robbed lately, it can not be my fake locks and doors! It has to be weirdos online following what I do.
The difference is locks on doors truly are just security theatre in most cases.
Unless you're the BiLock and it takes the LockPickingLawyer 3 minutes to pick it open.
To be fair, it's both.
But what site is he talking about?
The fact that “AI” hallucinates so extensively and gratuitously just means that the only way it can benefit software development is as a gaggle of coked-up juniors making a senior incapable of working on their own stuff because they’re constantly in janitorial mode.
Plenty of good programmers use AI extensively while working. Me included.
Mostly as an advance autocomplete, template builder or documentation parser.
You obviously need to be good at it so you can see at a glance if the written code is good or if it's bullshit. But if you are good it can really speed things up without any risk as you will only copy cody that you know is good and discard the bullshit.
Obviously you cannot develop without programming knowledge, but with programming knowledge is just another tool.
I maintain strong conviction that if a good programmer uses llm in their work, they just add more work for themselves, and if less than good one does it, they add new exciting and difficult to find bugs, while maintaining false confidence in their code and themselves.
I have seen so much code that looks good on first, second, and third glance, but actually is full of shit, and I was able to find that shit by doing external validation like talking to the dev or brainstorming the ways to test it, the things you categorically cannot do with unreliable random words generator.
There is an exception to this I think. I don't make ai write much, but it is convenient to give it a simple Java class and say "write a tostring" and have it spit out something usable.
Bonus points if the attackers use ai to script their attacks, too. We can fully automate the SaaS cycle!
That is the real dead Internet theory: everything from production to malicious actors to end users are all ai scripts wasting electricity and hardware resources for the benefit of no human.
taste of his own medicine
AI is yet another technology that enables morons to think they can cut out the middleman of programming staff, only to very quickly realise that we're more than just monkeys with typewriters.
Eat my SaaS
This is what happens when you don't know what your own code does, you lose the ability to manage it, that is precisely why AI won't take programmer's jobs.
"If you don't have organic intelligence at home, store-bought is fine." - leo (probably)
This is satire / trolling for sure.
LLMs aren't really at the point where they can spit out an entire program, including handling deployment, environments, etc. without human intervention.
If this person is 'not technical' they wouldn't have been able to successfully deploy and interconnect all of the pieces needed.
The AI may have been able to spit out snippets, and those snippets may be very useful, but where it stands, it's just not going to be able to, with no human supervision/overrides, write the software, stand up the DB, and deploy all of the services needed. With human guidance sure, but with out someone holding the AIs hand it just won't happen (remember this person is 'not technical')
idk ive seen some crazy complicated stuff woven together by people who cant code. I've got a friend who has no job and is trying to make a living off coding while, for 15+ years being totally unable to learn coding. Some of the things they make are surprisingly complex. Tho also, and the person mentioned here may do similarly, they don't ONLY use ai. They use Github alot too. They make nearly nothing themself, but go thru github and basically combine large chunks of code others have made with ai generated code. Somehow they do it well enough to have done things with servers, cryptocurrency, etc... all the while not knowing any coding language.