
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Every single one of our ICE cars (3 toyotas 3 Hondas) have lasted 20+ years. I sold 3 to neighbours. They are still going.

I’ve been warning everybody on reddit that ev batteries will fail long before their projected lifespans, and the cost of replacement makes ice cars a cheaper alternative. The mods keep banning me. But the maths and science is clear.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

what a stupid shit for brains article and website - content like this needs to be banned and people who post it obliterated from the human historical records. That means you OP. Stop being a fuckhead. what a colossal waste of time. Like crypto and NFT, fearmongering and scamming people.

[–] -1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

how about the opposite view: trump supporters feel Trump will be good. He will allow the USA to become much more independent and cut off paying for other nations' wars. why should we pay for them? there is no need for america to be the guardian of democracy or anything. We just want to live god-fearing lives and raise good families. We don't need the rest of the world. Our military can stomp out any invaders.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

even without speaker phone, im always shouting out my conversations out loud. it's a good way to build mojo. Anytime people stare too long, i just glare and scream "waddya looking at !!!!". Mojo is very important, and helps me get the best business deals.


2h 11m | PG-13

[–] -4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

the worst part for me, was not only being unable to estimate the time to solve the bug, i found that often the problem was in syntax or shadings of understanding on how functions or bracket syntax worked. i could refer to all the biggest programming books off the shelves, and the answers they provided would not work. Programming is one of those professions where answers lay with people who had busted their brains or lucked it trying to make it work, and had collected over many years, snippets of code which they knew worked. If you weren't chummy with these people, you would never find the answer. This isn't really a worthwhile profession. Unlike physics, or maths, where there is an independent answer governed by forces outside of an individual human, programming is a profession which inherently depends on learning errors from another human. It's a pointless profession and gets you nowhere in life at the end. Sadly. (Unlike say law, or accounting or physics, where at old age, you know more about the world around you.)

[–] 9 points 11 months ago (1 children)

the worst part about debugging for me, is i have no idea how long it will be before i can solve a single bug. it could take me 2 hours, 1 day, a week, no idea. Because i have no idea where the bug came from. I have ti go through increasingly more detailed testing cycles. Then devise more laborious testing cycles. This is why i chose not to work as a programmer. In other professions, I know i can give an estimate of the time taken to complete the task. Debugging? No real idea. What if the boss says finish it by tomorrow? I might be there all night.

[–] 7 points 11 months ago

we all hope Windows will be laid to rest ASAP. It's a truly horrifyingly revolting OS.

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Teslas are a colossal pile of shits. The article mentions problems with newer cars after 9 years ago - and yes, they are all colossal piles of shit too. All new cars are now moving towards demanding you auto update their software and hand over your sex life and location data, and when you do, they lock your car for 24 HOURS to update that shit.

The only answer is to go after cars older than 2010. They run better, way more reliable, last longer, don't spy on you and are way more comfy.


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The Toba eruption (sometimes called the Toba supereruption or the Youngest Toba eruption) was a supervolcano eruption that occurred around 74,000 years ago at the site of present-day Lake Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia. It is one of Earth's largest known explosive eruptions. The Toba catastrophe theory holds that this event caused a severe global volcanic winter of six to ten years and contributed to a 1,000-year-long cooling episode, leading to a genetic bottleneck in humans.A number of genetic studies have revealed that 50,000 years ago, the human ancestor population greatly expanded from only a few thousand individuals. Science journalist Ann Gibbons has posited that the low population size was caused by the Toba eruption. Geologist Michael R. Rampino of New York University and volcanologist Stephen Self of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa have supported her suggestion. In 1998, the bottleneck theory was further developed by anthropologist Stanley...


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Soaring temperatures. Unusually hot oceans. Record high levels of carbon pollution in the atmosphere and record low Antarctic ice. We’re only halfway through 2023 and so many climate records are being broken.

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