Company stores but it’s the whole country instead.
Call me Longinus because I’m getting that money.
granddaughter of coal miners
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
--Upton Sinclair
When someone is indoctrinated for generations it's hard to pull away. Hopefully she makes up for it but at least she now realizes that she was wrong.
He should have done like W and dodged the shoe. Shit George dodged twice and didn’t shoot anyone. He left the shootings to Dick Cheney.
The only way to stop a bad grandpa with a gun is a good granddaughter with a gun.
Most Native Americans have a rough go of it too. My buddy in the army shaved like once a week and even that was barely some fuzz over his upper lip.
That was great. Too funny but 100% on point.
If you want to really sound like a spanish speaker say it like hijueputas. In english I'd transcibe it like ee-hway-POO-tahs. It sounds way more rude like that.
I would at least grab the body from the corpse pile later. It’s a little less suspicious. Unless there is a time crunch then the rogue might get animated instead.