It’d be smarter to genesis device the planet since then you’ll have a new tiny vintage communicator.
Well that’s disappointing. Reg used to be one of my favorite characters and now…
Is that entire generation broken in the head?
They absolutely did. I noticed it while rotating a new character sans clothing.
Stick with it, it's worth it.
I literally came to say Homn did it better.
This woman has worked in politics for nearly 30 years. She has no idea what work even is anymore.
I wonder if Julian dips his nugget in yamok sauce.
Baldurs Gate 3 you can go hours without an autosave triggering.
He listed three problems with it. I don’t see a general assertion of anything in his comment.
Republican controlled congress? They lead one chamber by a margin a 3 votes. Not really what I’d call control.
You probably like mango biche. Basically unripe mangoes are exactly as you described. Tart and firm. They only become soft and yellow when they ripen. I have a mango tree in front of my house and the street guys come and pick it clean long before they ripen since mango biche is better than ripe mangoes.
Cue the T’Plana Hath landing.