
joined 1 year ago
[–] 10 points 1 week ago

Same here and it’s the only store that is within *biking distance that doesn’t require dodging lifted magat trucks and risking your life to get to. I’m done though.

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

For 99% of Windows or MacOS users who work in their browser and within simple applications, day-to-day Linux usage is as easy or easier than Windows. Microsoft’s monopolistic practices and lack of government intervention/regulation led us to this point plain and simple.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Migrate to Calibre and use Calibre Virtual Libraries. However based on the comments I’m reading, it looks like you want something that is not application based. Good luck with that.

[–] 80 points 4 weeks ago

Reactionary judge in christofascist state sides with corporation…color me surprised

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I do have to give it to Quiznos for pioneering guacomole on a sandwich. I don't think any other nationwide chain had done that. Oh yeah and they made the worst / most addictive commerciala ever with the Rats:

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

The only Quiznos that I have eaten at in the last 3-4 years is in the Spokane Airport, and it is TERRIBLE. Like the worst microwaved rubber chicken you've ever had. Thankfully, Spokane Airport is finally getting a renovation with local restaurants in the terminal, so I think Quiznos will be down another location.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Ah yes your comment represents the convergence of suburbanhell and capitalisthell!

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This is a terrific article. It’s well researched and cuts through the chaff Big Tech monopolies spew to obscure their propaganda. I especially enjoyed this part:

“Although these large technology companies may not be full state-owned, China’s socialist government ensures that they act in the interest of the country and the people, not simply wealthy shareholders.

The US system is exactly the opposite. Large corporations control the government, and create policy on behalf of wealthy shareholders.”

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Wow that’s true, what a crock.

USAA strikes me as the most Wonder bread Texas Aw Shucks company that smiles to your face while outsourcing as much as possible (and stabbing you in the back in the process). Case in point. USAA only allows TOTP through Symantec’s proprietary app. I’m moving everything away from them except for auto insurance (which will likely go away at some point too as they’re not really that valuable for that anymore either).

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I wish I could believe this but too many of my family and friends have allowed themselves to be so badly propagandized by Fox and the like that they refuse to even consider voting for anyone but the christofascist death cult. They willingly suspend disbelief for their mindless satisfaction of “but I will never vote to be like California”, “socialism is evil”, etc. I believe they are irredeemable. Maybe I’m a bit too George Carlin nihilistic to think we survive this…or it allows me to cope.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Who are they kidding? These shit bags travel by private jet shitting on the rest of the world probably 60% of the time anyways. Like it matters where they “reside”. Just die or get guillotined already.


Huge shout-out to Kovid Goyal's Calibre! I've been expanding my use of Calibre for months and finally decided to try out the "Fetch News" functionality this past week. I was floored! I have over 50 news sources that auto-fetch every day. It took me awhile to refine the sources that work, but now I can read all my news natively in Calibre.

I've been working on debugging why some of the news sources fail to fetch to learn more about Calibre and to design my own fetching for custom news sources. But, I'm a programming newb so that will take me awhile

On a related note, another Calibre feature that has helped me organize my life is "Virtual Libraries". I was finally able to separate my library into 3 categories that enable me to stay focused. For me these were:

  1. Hobby Reading
  2. News & Magazines
  3. Study and Resources It takes almost no time at all to set up this functionality.

Thank you Kovid and everyone who contributes to this amazing OS project!


Honor guards are to stop performing changing of the guard ceremonies around a statue of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) to avoid “worshiping authoritarianism,” the Ministry of Culture said yesterday.

Great news!! Never too late to stop idolizing brutal authoritarians.

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