Honestly i dont know. Sometimes i have the impression not even his closest aides are able to predict what he'll do. It feels a bit like he's a mad king and everyone around is trying to read tea leaves to figure out what he'll do
Is that book north America focused? In in the Netherlands so i expect things will be a bit different
If it's just the odd movie here and there then piracy doesn't seem too bad
I've finished renovating the inside of my two built in cupboards from 1909. Plastered the wall, put it nice wallpaper, cut to measure and replaced the shelves and hardware. Took me like three years to find the time but I'm there.
Which books do you use? I've been wanting to get better at understanding home electricity but I'll admit electricity scares me a bit
Mah het is niet per se zo lastig, schrijven is natuurlijk een stukje makkelijker als ik meer tijd heb om een zin af te maken enz. Maar goed ik kan nu redelijk Nederland praten in mijn dagelijkse leven. Maar ik vrees dat politieke discussies wat lastiger zou zijn, en als ik een fout zou maken dan zou ik me schamen :/
Bro can you hook me up with the recipe?
And I did what you just did today! Let's go!
Goede vraag. Ik will ook aan een Nederlandse partij meedoen maar ik vrees dat mijn niveau in de Nederlandse taal nog niet zo goed is om dat te doen. Maar Ja, ik zou voor de PvdA kiezen
I would say I completely agree. If we want to create critical mass and be a viable competition to Reddit and co community consolidation seems useful, I don't think we have the luxury of splintering.
For the buyFromEU/buyFromEurope thing, I would prefer if we consolidated into buyFromEurope as there's of course a few countries not in the EU like the UK, Norway, Ukraine, etc that we still want to buy from. I will generally prefer buying from the EU but i think the community should be Europe not eu focused.