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[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I can't tell if you're just expressing extreme disgust, or if you're actually asking the question...

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Lol what the fuck is your problem?

I ask a question, making me a boot licker. So I guess people who never ask questions, like you, are what... ?

Fucking trolls is what.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 9 months ago (19 children)

Is there a list of Hamas' demands published somewhere? Cause I don't see it in the article...

I'm genuinely curious as to whether it's an achievable list of demands vs ludicrous posturing that has no chance of ever being met.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The words "dumb fuck" have never felt so misused as they do when coming from you.

For the millionth time, your position supports the man who wants to be a fascist dictator and commit more genocide.

Drop the arrogant moralizing and climb down from the pedestal you've put yourself on, and wake up to the pure leopards-eating-my-face garbage that your stupid tantrum is promoting.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (3 children)

The choice is not genocide or no genocide. The choice is less genocide or more genocide.

I'm choosing less genocide.

You're saying you're not ok with genocide, and therefore you choose more genocide.

Your position makes no sense.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (5 children)

If you can choose between "less genocide" and "more genocide" and you don't choose "less genocide," then you have absolutely no moral high ground to stand on.

Look, if pointing out this issue gets you this angry, it should be a clear sign that deep down you understand the problem and your cognitive dissonance is deafening you to it. Refusing to have a conversation and just resorting to tantrums and namecalling is a bad look, and it betrays the emptiness of your moralizing.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (7 children)

A vote for Biden does more to help Palestinians than your support for Trump does.

Man. Imagine having not only the privileged arrogance you demonstrate in your previous post, but also the blind conceit to accuse others of hypocrisy when you can't even see how the consequences of your own actions lead to more harm for the people you claim to care about.

You're broadcasting "let them eat cake" levels of arrogant privilege.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (9 children)

but we'd all live.

This is actually not the case.

But you, yes, your privileged ass probably will live and be fine. Plenty of other people will be much worse off or even dead under Trump. So feel good and pat yourself about supporting Trump instead of voting for a better world, but spare the rest of us your privileged arrogance.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Yeah... being called evil by someone who supports Trump isn't impressing me.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (3 children)

All I see is a person who sees two possibilities, recognizes that one is worse than the other, and then actively works to make the worse one happen. You have no grounding upon which to call anybody else evil.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 0 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Jesus Christ this is stupid.

If purity-test people like you would actually fucking vote for change, we could actually enact meaningful change.

Instead, we will never have enough left-leaning politicians to enact any sort of progressive agenda because of braindead voters like you who refuse to vote because the lesser of two evils isn't perfect. And we get stuck in this 51/49 deadlock where nothing good ever happens.

Imagine being so stupid that you'd support the greater of two evils simply because you weren't a fan of the lesser of two evils. Imagine this: You have to eat either a pile of dogshit with a small piece of corn in it, or a pile of corn with a small piece of shit in it. But you get to choose. And you say "ehhhh I don't like corn so I won't choose." How stupid can one be???

I don't care how badly you or I want Bernie, or AOC, or whoever to be the next president. IT ISN'T HAPPENING. So do everybody a favor and fucking vote for the candidate who is BETTER.

If there are two evils to choose from, and you get a choice, CHOOSE THE FUCKING LESSER EVIL.

[–] osarusan@kbin.social 1 points 10 months ago

"Go and be a monkey for a bit."

Works for me!

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