...for fine drafting, rotation is the last thing you want: that chisel-tip is precious, lead holders are love, lead holders are life...
...with some clever geometry, it could be sized for metric-integer weight, length, and volume...
...those are some tiny potatoes or ginormous bananas in either case...
...got a new one with a different picture tonight...
...recursive eisenhower method works well for me: it's effective + simple-enough not to be bogged-down by overplanning...
...pretty much this: you'll be fined for anything other than well-groomed grass growing in your yard...
...i've been disappointed with the print quality of most of their POD books since last year: it's like someone isn't monitoring the ink levels and one of the CMYK colors almost always looks washed out...
...i climbed onto the roof of the press box over kyle field and peed into the open air hundreds of feet below: it evaporated before hitting the ground...
...trump's an imbecile, but some clever folks are spoon-feeding their asset...
...america's credibility is permanently destroyed until it institutes structural changes to insulate national policy from his like: america will suffer worst of all for its capitulation to russian disinformation...
...problem is there are enough imperial f*ckheads ready to dogpile on any virtue signal du jour...