
joined 1 year ago
[–] 18 points 1 year ago

No, it just feels like that because you can't keep it up anymore.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yup. Like, I know I knew this at one point and can't remember the details to save my life. I remember doing the deep dive. I remember enjoying it and feeling energized by it. And now I'm standing here word vomiting bs and repeating "I know I looked it up once"

Love it! That's been on my knitting bucket list for awhile, I love the patterns with them.

That sounds awful. I dunno. I mean, at the heart of it all, on some level you're allowing him to continue this behavior by going to him each time. If you don't go, he has to either keep calling until you give in, or if you don't give in, he can get pouty about it, yell about it, or eventually come and actually find you.

If you stand your ground and refuse, eventually he has to change his behavior. But, getting to that point will be very uncomfortable. So the question is, how much do you want things to change? Are you willing to go through that discomfort to get your needs met?

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

What does he do if you stay where you're at and ask what he wants you for?

That yarn is gorgeous!!

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not new, but my biggest one is physically placing things I need to remember in the path of my daily routine. Like if I need to remember to bring my laptop to work, I might put my computer mouse in my shoe.

Another one is moving things in stages. If I'm cleaning my living room and something needs to go upstairs, I'll just leave it on the stairs for the next time I go up. Otherwise I'm likely to get distracted when I get up there and forget to continue cleaning downstairs.

I also try to have multiples of things that I use in multiple rooms or places. Like a small trashcan in all my rooms so I don't have to go somewhere else to throw it away. It minimizes distractions and helps me stay focused on the current task.


Ant hair is about 98% reflective, and is very similar to how fiber optics work. SEM images in the link for fellow nerds.

On shaving ants:

Speaking to MailOnline, Willot confirmed this 'was indeed a tricky procedure. They are very reactive and won't stop struggling once caught, preventing any shaving attempt if not anaesthetised.'

This was done by exposing the ants for a few seconds to carbon dioxide, then strapping them down firmly.

Hairs were removed using a high-power binocular telescope and a very sharp blade.

'It's the same as shaving your own chin: the scalpel blade has to move in the opposite direction of the hair's growth. It has to be a delicate and gentle motion,' said Willot.

After practising on large soldier ants, he found that a smaller worker ant could be entirely shaved in an hour of delicate work.

He estimates around 40 ants were shaved altogether to produce seven good examples for the experiments.

The youngest of the patients at Alcor is two-year-old Matheryn Naovaratpong, a Thai girl with brain cancer, who was cryopreserved in 2015, reports Reuters.

“Both her parents were doctors, and she had multiple brain surgeries,” More tells the publication. “Nothing worked, unfortunately. So, they contacted us.”

This is a bit chilling. How do you begin to move on with your lifeif you're holding out hope that your loved one will be revived one day? What happens to this girl's body once her parents die? What happens if they beat the odds and master cryo and the girl gets revived in 100 years? That sounds incredibly traumatic.

I'm primarily a lurker. I've been trying to be better about participating lately because I'd like to help the fediverse grow and be a meaningful online meeting place.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Why are they collecting financial information??


When corporate entities infiltrate decentralized networks/platforms, they do it methodically with the intent to harm the decentralized platform in order to maintain the corporate monopoly.